lightning up the flywheel

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lightning up the flywheel

Postby tuny » Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:31 am

i removed my flywheel and send it to be lightend i beleve it whas 400g they would take off.
but wile i whait i'd like to know if enyone allready is driving a modified flywheel? and what's the result of remarks?
still 3 weeks waiting ahead of me so that long time to miss the baggy :)
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Postby Wonky » Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:41 am

What other modifications have you had to warrant lighten/balance?
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Postby tuny » Tue Oct 24, 2006 12:51 pm

? don't understand the question, my bike is big bore 680 with other cams, other exhaust other piston (higher compresion) and tops on dyno at 57hp and 67Nm at back wheel but wanted just that more wich i could not find :) hope to finde it in the wheel, cdi (and carbs in future)
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Postby Wonky » Tue Oct 24, 2006 1:03 pm

Thats exactly what i meant buddy! Have you had 102mm bore? Have you had the head gas-flowed/ported? This will give you much more BHP. Lightening parts will add less resistance within the engines moving components, less vibration and will help with picking up the revs. Losing weight helps with higher speed and acceleration, thats why you can get titanium engine parts, power-to-weight-ratio is what we're discussing here! Hope this helps!
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Postby ZzerO » Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:21 am

i think tuny has a 101.6 mm piston, cause it's a 680cc. would 8cc(or 0.4 mm on piston) make a big difference? i would also like to tune my skorpion in the future, something like tuny's baggie, about 60hp. does anyone have an idea how the performance would change on my skorpion? topspeed, acceleration...

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Postby tuny » Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:56 am

ZzerO wrote:i think tuny has a 101.6 mm piston, cause it's a 680cc. would 8cc(or 0.4 mm on piston) make a big difference? i would also like to tune my skorpion in the future, something like tuny's baggie, about 60hp. does anyone have an idea how the performance would change on my skorpion? topspeed, acceleration...


yes thats the case with me, and my intake's are floated, didn"t think about it when i wrote the rest, don't be mistaken!! my bike goes like HELL realy i can pull it up on gas in 3e gear !!! but still want more
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Postby Wonky » Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:08 pm

ZzerO wrote:i think tuny has a 101.6 mm piston, cause it's a 680cc. would 8cc(or 0.4 mm on piston) make a big difference? i would also like to tune my skorpion in the future, something like tuny's baggie, about 60hp. does anyone have an idea how the performance would change on my skorpion? topspeed, acceleration...


The performance change would be almost identical, the engines are the same! Our Factory MZ Skorpion, which your bike is based on, puts out 80+ BHP!
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Postby Wonky » Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:11 pm

ZzerO wrote:i think tuny has a 101.6 mm piston, cause it's a 680cc. would 8cc(or 0.4 mm on piston) make a big difference? i would also like to tune my skorpion in the future, something like tuny's baggie, about 60hp. does anyone have an idea how the performance would change on my skorpion? topspeed, acceleration...


The performance change would be almost identical, the engines are the same! Our Factory MZ Skorpion, which your bike is based on, puts out 80+ BHP!
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Postby Wonky » Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:12 pm

...and yes even 1mm in a bore will make a difference. I advise a 102mm bore with a JE or Wiseco piston and a Carrillo rod, plus all the other stuff you can afford! :D
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Postby DEmark » Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:56 pm

Increasing the displacement from 660cc to 680cc is a 3% increase in displacement, so horsepower should increase no more than 3%. A 3% gain on a 50 horsepower motor is 1&1/2 HP. This is assuming there are no other modifications. Am I right or am I missing something?
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Postby ZzerO » Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:31 am

i'm not sure if thats right, could be, but normally if you rebore you replace the piston with a high compression piston, like the JE pistons, it goes from +/- 9:1 to +/- 11:1 so i think there is the most of the power from.
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Postby DEmark » Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:33 am

zzero, yeah, I think you are right, most of the increase in power comes from a boost in compression ratio. I am shopping for a piston for my Baghira now, does anyone know FOR SURE if a raptor piston will fit the Baghira motor? I want a few more ponys without loosing much reliabilty, I am thinking a little increase in c.r. and a street cam. I suppose I ought to put a Carillo rod in too. I already have the Keihin fcrs and a M4 can.
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lightening flywheel

Postby basser23 » Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:57 am

Everything I have read indicates the Raptor piston is the same..
Have you checked at Barkers Bars? They have them for about $160.
Where in the Maryland republic are you located?

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Postby DEmark » Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:31 am

I just checked out the barkers bars website, it looks like they have a lot of experience with the 660 motor, they even make their own connecting rods. I am in Elkton, just off I-95 a mile from the Delaware line. Where you located chip?
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Postby ZzerO » Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:09 pm

yeah i 'm pretty sure that the raptor has the same engine and also same piston(not 100% sure though) but if it's the same, why would you have a increased compression then? does the raptor has a standard higher compression?
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