Custom Built Baghira Skid Plate w/ Pics

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Custom Built Baghira Skid Plate w/ Pics

Postby waverider » Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:49 am

After taking my Baghira out in the dirt and rocks for the first time and ripping the oil line from under the frame, I had to come up with a quick and reliable solution for a skid plate.

I called Touratech and they wanted over $100 US and six week to get the plate that they offered. I didn't want to wait that long so I decided to build my own.

I called up a local metal shop and took a couple of sketches with dimensions over to them. The wanted $35 for the 11 gauge plate with one bend in it. Perfect. From there I trimmed the plat to fit the exact contour I wanted. I also welded in three mounting tabs and bolted it up.

Here are the pics:




Now I have a heavy duty skid plate with full coverage od the engine and oil lines. It also offers some protection to the water pump.

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Postby jbthumper » Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:24 pm

looks good 8)
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Postby F0ul_Oli » Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:21 pm

any chance of posting the pattern so us on the other side of the pond can have something as nice?

I will only run out of ways of modify the Baggy when it weighs less that 100 kg and runs 100 bhp at the back wheel!! - putting the IT in Profit!
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Postby waverider » Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:46 pm

No problem. I will trace off an exact pattern when I get back in town and can pull the plate off of the bike. The drawing that I took to the metal shop was nothing than a 21"X15" piece of 11 gauge metal with a 100* bend 15 1/2" on the long side.

From there I just traced out along the frame rail of the bike and used a cutting torch to trim it back.

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Postby keithcross » Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:11 pm

Well I think it looks better than some of the expensive ones acessory shops well.

Ride it like you stole it
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