hand guards. . .again

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hand guards. . .again

Postby BRAAAP ! » Fri Nov 25, 2005 7:24 am

Hi all,

ok, I've been a bit slow getting round to fitting these. .

has anyone experience fitting the "cheapo" set to a standard set of mz bars ?

just had a look and might have a prob with the clutch cable.. . .

they look like the red or blue ones on this page. . . http://www.bikeit.co.uk/motox/hand_guards.htm

any thoughts readers ?
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hand guards

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Nov 25, 2005 1:34 pm

they look nice but here in my area we need bigger ones for cold weather and in some areas there are berry vines that have thorns so a full suit of armor and BIG hand guards required if you go in the woods
or you will look like you were in a meat grinder :-D
nothing like spending 2 hours cutting some hot shoe idiots ass out of this stuff on a sunday afternoon when he misses a corner :-D

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Postby BRAAAP ! » Sat Nov 26, 2005 5:33 am

nasty. . .

only need mine for whacking car mirrors :wink:
two wheels good, four wheels bad. . . .
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Factory 909 bars to the rescue!

Postby dmon722000 » Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:30 pm

I mounted the "KTM bend" Factory 909 h-bars and I love them. They are bent in a fashion that you have a-lot of leverage when your keeled over. Also when your just cruzin', the attack position of the bars let people that Yes, you are demented, and are willing to prove it...
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Postby BRAAAP ! » Tue Nov 29, 2005 3:32 pm

heheheh. . .

there's some good guards out there. . .

anyone got any good close up photos of different mounting styles. . . ?

oooeerr missus ! :shock:
two wheels good, four wheels bad. . . .
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Postby F0ul_Oli » Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:07 pm

I just bought some Polisport ones off ebay for £7 - ill let everyone know how they fit as soon as I get them!

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