Adding the spacers to the float valve is a necessity - I think this may have been the issue, although there is a float overflow, the fuel just comes out of a hole at the front top of the bowl. So I could see something funny was happening at the time.
As for the drain bolt hole, there's a lot of material around the area, it shouldn't be a big deal..

I've done some more tonight, seeing as the engine coming to life spurred me on somewhat..
I fitted the rear bearing into the sprocket carrier assembly and then fitted that back onto the bike- I do need a new nut for the end of the new hub spindle (because the thread was smashed, my fault), and I fitted the chain at great annoyance. I had to measure it up first with it fitted to the bike as although I bought the standard £10 1/2 x 5/16th chain that was available on mz-b, that i've bought before a few times for my ETZ's, but I had to take out about 5 links.
I started the bike again after trying to eliminate all air leaks that I could find (though I think there are still more so I won't run it too much- It has a bit of an eccentric throttle that is indicitive of air leak- even though the main jet is larger than standard, the main needle is at it's richest and what's more the needle I think has the tip broken anyway).
But, after varying the engine speed a bit and letting it idle, and poking around with the voltage regulator (only after taking the generator off to check for shorts- the resistence is supposed to be 1.7-2.1ohms but is around 3ohms, it isn't shorted at least) the bike suddenly started charging!! - I'm happy with that. So I won't run the engine until I found the air leak. I tried packing the carb entrance with grease etc and putting a little bit more force on those bolts so the engine speed didn't change with carb cleaner, so not sure if maybe it is just the jetting/tuning of the carb now.
I spent the rest of this evening putting the rear brake arms on, and routing the wiring correctly (the neutral light is a PAIN!), and putting footrest on (bent it seems). Also putting on the new bulb connector, although it didn't actually have the metal tang for the earth.. I had to borrow that from the original connector.
I spent a bit of time trying to (unsuccessfully install- it surely doesn't fit) the top headrace bearing dust cover. It's mentioned in the parts diagrammes but for my application it just won't work, maybe there is a slightly different variation- after all mine is a late ES/2 model.
I did have to borrow the plastic clutch spacer thing for the cable (that enters the clutch cover) from another bike, so that's something i'll need to source. What i'll also need to source is a clutch cable- it seems to have a long cable on it (same length as the etz cables I have spare actually), but it's too long- what's more it looks like the speedo cable is also the incorrect one- it's for a TS I think, it's too long for a rear sprocket driven speedo. The speed is measured from the front sprocket on this bike.
The chain covers are also very degraded unfortunately- a big problem i've read with the rubber supplied on the ES bikes. Probably just leave them as they are for now..
Also, i'd like to add, I was wrong that the idle of the engine is adjusted by the carb. A bit.. It IS, but there is always a free-play with the help of a spring in the throttle assembly that doesn't affect the idle. Interesting....