by sidewaysid123 » Thu Oct 28, 2021 1:32 pm
Still no spark. I purchased a new regulator from MZ spares, and also discovered that the plug cap was faulty, so I thought I had it cracked not so, the homemade electronic ignition is the cause, you see I have no idea who made it, today I traced back the wiring from the (black box with an LED on it) obviously part of some kit, there was a blue wire that later was joined to a black (SW) this then went into the connector block that has about 7 or 8 connections, this black wire then goes to the ignition coil, and also up to the ignition light switch, but that black wire was cut off? I joined it back to the other black wires and it blew the fuse? I am lost at this moment. I have purchased the bits to return it to points for the time being, but these wires that have been chopped concern me.