
ETZ(including Kanuni), ETS, ES, TS, IFA-RT, BK, Saxon,

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Re: Newbie

Postby Heff77 » Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:56 am

Now that is the million dollar question, the history shows 3 owners, one from New to 95, one from 95 to last year and then the man I got it from, he stripped a few parts off to finish off a project he was building, as for why it wasn't on the road for possibly 30+ years before that I don't know, but I'm sure once I start on the engine it will be come clear haha, although it look OK, but my bike knowledge is minimal, I'm hoping it was a forgotten about in the back of the garage situations, followed by a "I'll do it up" then didn't, but worst case scenario if its not realistic to repair I'll either sell it in parts or buy mother and frankenbike it
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Re: Newbie

Postby Heff77 » Tue Sep 21, 2021 3:55 pm

The guy I got it off was purely to Rob parts for his project, previous to that I couldn't say, I'm sure when I start the engine work I will find out, the bodywork so far appears rusty, dirty but solid, so if there is any issues it's going to be mechanical.

And the bins, one general, one garden, one cardboard and one glass, plastic and tins.

I will post a pic tomorrow of a part I can't work out what it is or where it goes if anyone can help? Kind of a u shaped tube, looks like part of the frame... But not sure where it goes.
Also I know these old MZs run on 6v is it worth doing a 12v upgrade or not?
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Re: Newbie

Postby mr_luke » Wed Sep 22, 2021 2:56 am

Heff77 wrote:I will post a pic tomorrow of a part I can't work out what it is or where it goes if anyone can help? Kind of a u shaped tube, looks like part of the frame... But not sure where it goes.

My vote is the green bin with the black lid!
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Re: Newbie

Postby Blurredman » Wed Sep 22, 2021 3:52 am

Unfortunately i've never actually experienced a TS125/150. Would love to try one though - I do have some stuff like wiring details of various MZ's and indeed the official service manual actually, on my FTP (in my signature) which might help you.

Would be willing to guess where the U shaped part is from if a picture is given?

Is 6 to 12 volt necessary? I myself think a lot of people upgrade to 12v on mz's simply as a matter of course which I think is silly. The only real issue I would have is if I left the parking light on (which I have done a few times) on my etz's over the years, and drained the battery then you can at least find someone who might be able to jump you with their car battery for a while.. With a 6v you'll be on your own but that's my only worry there. As we all know, the ignition systems on all these bikes is DC - some people think that because a bike has a kick start, it doesn't need a battery- those people are normally thinking of Magneto systems.

Anyway.. a 40w 6v bulb is the same as a 40w 12v bulb, so I wouldn't expect any better light out put by upgrading, unless you used a 55w bulb as is the standard maximum you can have now- plus if it is halogen 55w it's a percentage even brighter than a tungsten 55w.
1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
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Re: Newbie

Postby Heff77 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 4:57 am

Any ideas what this is?
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Re: Newbie

Postby Heff77 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 4:59 am

Oh OK, I thought the idea behind switching to 12v was just for ease of parts and so modern bulbs etc. Would fit. I mean it's not a priority either way for me, just want to get it painted and running first, anything like voltage will be way after that.
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Re: Newbie

Postby Puffs » Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:37 am

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Re: Newbie

Postby Blurredman » Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:49 am

I honestly don't know about that bracket sorry, but it can be said that more than MZ parts might be in your boxes! I recently sold a ton of old Honda CX500 parts, which I had listed as such on eBay, but there were more than just honda parts.. lots of other random crap I didn't want or need, or applied to the bike in question- just wanted them all gone.. So... keep it for now, but be weary of this fact.

As for bins, for me, one is general waste (goes in black bags then in the bin), and the other bin is for ANYTHING recyclable - cardboard, glass, plastic etc. But.. actually, I put anything in there- so long as most of the stuff that should not be recycled is at the bottom.. :twisted:
There is a food waste day too, but I just chuck any food waste in the general bin.
1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
1979 Suzuki TS185ER - 10,000 miles
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Re: Newbie

Postby Gerryman Ts125 » Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:50 am

Heff77 wrote:Any ideas what this is?

Not from a Mz ts125=150, looks more like the back of a Uk frame. Could be other Soviet bike (as like the Omz) they`re built like tractors.


Should look like this though.
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