Heck, You don't need no stinkin' test ride!! Just go buy one! You only live once!
I read just about all the reviews out there (all favorable reviews by the way) and the clincher was a review in Motorcycle Consumer News (January 2005). The characteristics of the bike that the many reviews note are very accurate. Keep that in mind. There are no surprises. The bike has loads of character. I could have bought anything within that price range........Japanese death machines(GSXR etc,) Speed Triple, Guzzi V11...and so on.
I went with the MZ.... Glad I did. And with no test ride. Absolutely no regrets at all. I honestly can say I don't look at it or ride it thinking "I wish this were different or that was'nt like that".... I am the envy of many at work and riding buddies! More than just another motorcycle..... excellent handling, unique, powerful, distinctive, fast, very cool, you name it.