Emissions Problem

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Re: Emissions Problem

Postby AlanJ » Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:38 am

Hi Gents,
I understand about this forum, Puffs, but I actually agree with Guesi we don't talk about it enough, and ok as long as we don't add it in the wrong area
then it's so bad at times, like this, that somebody or all of us, should say as we feel or do we want to end up like the poor devils in North Korea. Coming from an
engineering background ( and I am so glad that I have) I also understand that if you want an answer to a problem, you must not stay in the paradigm you are in,
you must start outside the box and look at the problem afresh and then add what went before, not the other way around. Honestly, there are times when you look at the news items on tv and I feel so sad when I see our top man, Boris, with his sleeves rolled up ( very badly) and his hair in one hell of a mess in an NHS Hospital, I can just imagine what my colleagues would have thought had I presented myself at a meeting in that condition, and that's our top man!!! I could go on
writing reams about this subject, but,
Stay safe Alan.
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Re: Emissions Problem

Postby Puffs » Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:06 am

Well OK then - that moratorium didn't take long...
But the point of the matter is that I do not have much more to add about the topic, I said most of what I have to say. We can go write a book about it, or protest in the streets with a great number of like-minded people claiming 'it is our right' to have this, that, or the other, but really the only solution is to try to understand how things work and come up with an (engineering) solution for it. That, I think, really is the only way out. If you want something: make it happen. You make it happen - do not rely on someone else to do it.
But instead, pertaining to education chosen by students, what I've seen over the latest few decades is a move away from engineering & science. At least in the developed west. But I really think that the problems we are facing can only be solved by properly understanding the causes and proactively finding a practical solution, not by 'demanding' somebody else 'to fix' it (revering to 'Youth for Climate' type initiatives).

And the other thing is, I think we should get agreement on what it is that we really want. Do we really want to maximise the number of people (Σp) on this earth? Can we see a relationship between our number and our happiness, or quality of life (q)? Or do we want to maximise the Σ(p*q)? And how do you define that 'quality of life' q anyway, what are the differences between individuals, and do we really need to maximise anything actually? OK, those are not engineering questions, but it is all about understanding matters, rather than choosing based on dogmas from the past & evolutionary character traits.

Of course it remains to be seen how useful it is that a couple of old pfrrrts share their thoughts on matters like this. Btw, I don't mind Mr. J's hairdo. I don't feel appearance is all that important & like to focus on content: how effective are his choices & decisions in achieving objectives? But quite possibly his appearance is part of the reason he was elected. Maybe it is all carefully designed.
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Re: Emissions Problem

Postby AlanJ » Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:54 am

Hi Puffs,
Sorry I am a bit late in my reply to this last post, but, I must say, I pretty well agree to your thoughts on this subject and as for MrJ's hairdo, or rather , lack of it, perhaps it is intended, after all, he does stand out somewhat and I think he gets away with it because he is the only one, imagine, it would be a bit o a pantomime in a full house of Commons if everyone were similar. Anyway Puffs, wish you well.
Stay safe Alan.
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Re: Emissions Problem

Postby Puffs » Tue Feb 16, 2021 6:27 am

There's a thought: a House full of Borises vividly debating & gesticulating! Spitting Image, eat your heart out.
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Re: Emissions Problem

Postby Gerryman Ts125 » Sun Feb 21, 2021 9:56 am

Mother nature is the ultimate re-cycler, she only kills things that don't play nice. She kills the only way she knows how. By killing us. . We keep on complaining, and we are the worst problem. No other living thing on this spinning rockball, has ever polluted as much as us, no matter how you hide that fact. We are the problem. Other hosts don't pollute, dinosaurs didn't pollute. And guess where they ended up. In our museums. That be us. The omega men (and women) once the ants take over. With intelligence comes great responsibility, and looking the other way, whilst forests are stripped and oceans are poisoned. Is not a way forward. Although hydrogen fuel cells are quite interesting. But you can't make one go to the stars, it's not totally viable otherwise, nor expect it to be as clean as the oceans that are drained to produce them.
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Re: Emissions Problem

Postby Puffs » Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:39 am

It's not only mankind that pollutes, other species do too - if they get the chance. It comes with indiscriminatingly trying to expand & dominate your environment, our evolutionary drive to grow. Only man is by far the best at it.

And using up all available resources - think Easter Island.

But now, if we want to survive as a species, we need to change our attitude, and do differently. What's the chance on that happening quickly enough...
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Re: Emissions Problem

Postby AlanJ » Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:06 am

We are obviously indiscriminatingly talking about pollution here, and the dinosaurs are often mentioned and thought of as a group of species that just dyed out
but they lived for something like 180 million years (Mesozoic Era) and it is now thought that an asteroid caused their demise, not pollution, and for what it's worth, it's now thought that we are at the beginning of a similar destructive period and when you think about it Covid 19 is doing a pretty good job. Anyway,
this wasn't what I started to post about, it was pollution by battery manufacture, and the fact that our governments are forcing us to use battery powered vehicles in future without considering that in doing so we may be polluting this planet more than we are at this time.
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Re: Emissions Problem

Postby AlanJ » Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:03 am

And, another thing about electric vehicles that the government are not saying anything about is the acceleration, it's extremely good, can you imagine on an
icy road we will have insurance claims galore.
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Re: Emissions Problem

Postby Gerryman Ts125 » Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:45 am

https://lnks.gd/l/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9. ... 58793985-l
Yes mother nature is indiscriminate. Dino never did anything to E.t. either. Apart from evolve into birds we eat. :twisted: :twisted:
Read the link above. Is it the way forward? Any engine that can run on benzenes can be modified surely. Ask a egg head.
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Re: Emissions Problem

Postby Puffs » Tue Feb 23, 2021 4:41 am

Ta for that link!

I'd say the lightest power/weight will give an advantage in being the most desirable, effective & efficient.

But that does not mean my YZ with more than 0.5hp/kg is very efficient (because it isn't).
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Re: Emissions Problem

Postby Puffs » Thu Feb 25, 2021 4:53 am

On a meteor causing the dinosaur's demise as part of a global extinction event (as Alan mentioned a few days back), further corroboration in this article: https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/7/9/eabe3647
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