Etz 250 tyres?

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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby Puffs » Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:14 am

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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby JawasandMZs » Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:52 am

Hi Alan
MZs were originally transport for the impoverished but nowadays they're a pretty extravagant hobby. Logic says a ten year old 600 fazer is a better bike than a 30 year old etz 250. The market says otherwise.
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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby Puffs » Tue Nov 17, 2020 7:41 am

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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby AlanJ » Tue Nov 17, 2020 8:55 am

Hi JandM,
I am not sure I agree with your summary of the MZ, ie impoverished people buying them is possibly as behind the wall at that time you had to wait years for a Trabant car whereas you could buy an MZ in weeks, and it may be why there was quite a good proportion of chairs as well, this is only as I see it and I expect Guesi will kindly put me right if this was not the case and as for an expensive hobby, recently a series c Vincent Rapide as a barn find sold in auction in the midlands for £37500 now that's an expensive hobby, I have just bought me bruv a 1992 MZ ETZ 150 one owner, full service history for £450 ( got him ring dinging at last) so sorry to disagree, stay safe.
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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby JawasandMZs » Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:18 pm


Anyone who lets an MZ in gwo go for that kinda of money is either nuts or has got the hots for you. There's a TS125 on ebay bidding at £650 and it, to be polite, needs a lorra work. A lorra LORRA work.
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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby AlanJ » Tue Nov 17, 2020 1:10 pm

It's a nice thought that anybody could have the hots for me. me being 83 and the guy I bought the bike from is 90 and in his younger years was the principle for an MZ agency, his son has now taken over not now with MZ's sadly. Way back they used to grass track race 2 smokers and the father used to marshal at the IOM TT, great characters. This little ETZ should keep me bruv ( my brother) from going nuts. Sadly though, we can't see each other with this blasted lockdown and before someone mentions it, he is not computer literate which is a pity, he is missing so much.
Stay safe Alan.
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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby Puffs » Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:36 am

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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby nice2day » Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:46 am

After my last post I felt pretty guilty, even embarrassed, that I hijacked this thread on recommended tyres big time (after the grocer's apostrophe post) and expected lots of justified angry censure for doing so. Making several lengthy posts about dialect spelling and punctuation is not what you'd normally expect to find on a thread about tyres so I do apologise for that. What was nice to see though was that my ramblings and rantings were taken in good spirit and even sparked off a side thread of conversation which was enjoyable to read. Yes, this tyre thread has really wandered but that's what happens in friendly human conversation. Anyway, hopefully this thread can now focus back on tyres and maybe a new thread/s such as: "Tell us about yourself" or "What don't you like?" or "English Grammar Lessons" or "The true merits of the humble MZ" can be created :lol:
PS: I think the "OFF TOPIC" section would be the most appropriate place for most of what is being said above. :)
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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby Puffs » Wed Nov 18, 2020 5:19 am

I don't think there's any reason you should feel embarrassed, or apologise for, Les. The OP started the apostrophe derail himself. While he asked for advice, he had 4 tyres fitted 4 days later, ignoring the (little) advise he had received. Anything later is just for posterity, for the record. Or just a bit of chinwag.

In my mind all these tyres wear, and replacing them is normally easy. I buy them for grip & looks primarily.
In the past I also had several Pirellis on the MZ. Note that Metzeler is owned by Pirelli.
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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby Blurredman » Wed Nov 18, 2020 6:21 pm

How come no one has mentioned buying MZ's just because one wants to actually mess with a 30 year old bike, sometimes..?

The building up of a dodgy looking lemon of a vehicle, into something of reliability and maybe even aesthetics, albeit over a length of time that is designated mainly (in relation to my question above) by one's ability to correctly diagnose and resolve symptoms, can be a very rewarding experience... esspecially if using the vehicle and maintaining it's ability to run many years later.
1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby nice2day » Sun Nov 29, 2020 5:26 am

I agree Blurredman. Sometimes though I wonder why I DO have a compulsion to MEND things. As far back as I can remember even a young child I just either had to take things apart clean them up and repair them or simply make something new. I have just wasted many days recently repairing an old desktop computer and a laptop computer. They are obsolete and will never have any use in future. I suppose it's better than watching the TV though and you always learn something. It's lucky I don't work in a Recycling Centre. :lol:
Fortunately my local one does not let anyone take any items back from the dump but it doesn't stop me wanting to....Lawn mowers are a massive attraction to me. Some people throw away nearly new ones simply because the governor spring has come off the carburettor...yes I currently have about 10 mowers.....HELP! :smt103 :smt101 :smt120 :smt119
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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby Puffs » Sun Nov 29, 2020 5:46 am

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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby nice2day » Sun Nov 29, 2020 6:11 am

Hi Puffs...I also forgot to mention that I am a bit of a "hoarder" as well :(
I also forgot to mention the Westwood ride-on mower with powered grass collector which is huge and then a couple of years ago I bought an old an Council DENNIS MOWER which is also huge. yes I MUST get rid on some of the rubbish mowers ...trouble is they have little petrol engines on them and I would feel I was killing a small animal if I took them down the dump...yes that's a sure sign of insanity isn't it? The big old DENNIS mower has a big fan driven by a belt and is a 600cc side-valve engine. Unfortunately I think the magneto is weak but I must get the thing running and let it pull me around my lawns....

OH yes that reminds me of a very funny story when I first got it. The magneto is an impulse starter type and squeaks and clicks when cranking it over. My old beloved Jack Russell terrier before he went deaf, was convinced there was a small animal trapped inside the engine and every time it squeaked he went crazy and tried to get inside the engine area. It was so incredibly funny to see. I don't think I have ever laughed as much in my life, it was so funny to the point of rendering me helpless. I should have videoed it and stuck it on YouTube it would have gone viral for sure. :lol:
Dennis Mower Z type.jpg

See a video of the mower (not my one): ... e=emb_logo
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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby breakwellmz » Sun Nov 29, 2020 6:27 am

Picked this one up off Freecycle the other day.
Self-propelling with roller. Put a bit of petrol down the plug and it fired up and ran for a few seconds, result!
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Re: Etz 250 tyres?

Postby Puffs » Sun Nov 29, 2020 6:47 am

That DENNIS is a beautiful mower Les! And that 600cc SV makes it even more interesting.
My lawn isn't very flat and I don't dare using a ride-on lawnmower, for fear of falling over. And walking gives me a bit more exercise.
The Stig:
The Stig.jpg

It's actually '86, not '82, there's a sticker on it. It has a +/-190cc Briggs & Stratton SV engine. Self propelled, obviously.

On bringing these things to the dump: you can of course take the engine out. That's how I still have a 98cc SV from a Suffolk Punch.
Hmm... now how can I use that to suck the oil out of my car?

Edit: Breakwellmz: is that a Suffolk Punch??? Looks like the one I had, only more modern (and better). Anyway, looks eminently usable - good deal!
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