What Helmet

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What Helmet

Postby blackpantheruk » Sat Sep 10, 2005 10:45 am

Anyone seen any good helmets?

i have an AGV helmet at the moments its yellow/black matches my cbr but doesnt look that good on the BP,

I like the look of the simpson bandit helmets :)

also after some supermoto leathers are there any places online?

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Postby gedge » Sat Sep 10, 2005 1:11 pm

Look up Cissbury Leathers ( try them on ebay).. They have often got deals on Arlen Ness supermoto specific leathers.. around the £200 mark which is excellent value for quality leathers..

in ended up with their 2 piece leathers for the same price.. well made , comfy and ( apparrently) excellent in an accident 8)
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Postby keithcross » Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:23 pm

I use either my Arai Quantum F or No fear MX helmet and goggles, depending on the weather.
As for leathers, I dont use them, prfering to use a textile 2 piece suit with CE approved armour. Leathers are good, but I use my bike every day and its a pain if they get wet. They are also rather heavy.

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Postby whysub01 » Sat Sep 10, 2005 4:54 pm

I use either an Arai RX or a Airoh Tyger MX helmet.

The Arai is preferred as the Tyger is very, very light, and doesn't feel that substantial (but no worse that most MX helmets), so don't know how it would hold up in a road crash. I use it when weather hot, oir I am not doing any fast (i.e. motorway/A road riding). I can vouch for the RX though-crashed a couple of times in it, and both times i have sent it away to have it checked, it comes back saying it is finer (it does look worse for wear though).

I wear leather trousers, but a textile top (with CE Armour), as I find in full leathers I get too hot (and thus distracted).

I think Arlemn Ness have pulled the plug on Cissbury being their UK distributor, so contact Cissbury-they may have some "end of line" bargains
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Postby phlat65 » Sat Sep 10, 2005 9:28 pm

I have an arai signet street, and an arai mx-pro, much prefer the street helmet, less tiring on the neck, and WAY quieter!!
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