Viral Interlude

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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby dave47 » Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:17 am

Are these of any help? (acknowledgements to KS Angus).

There is a violet wire from the kill switch, but no relay as far as I can see.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Jul 31, 2020 10:04 am

:smt006 be careful some bikes of all different brands are wired other than the drawings
to meet the spec. of the country they were shipped to for sale
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:14 pm

Hi Dave,
Thanks for the info, I actually have the same, it suggests that the violet wire connects to the coil, but I don't think it is the same coil as I am using. I feel it is a standard coil that connects to contact breakers and sparks. I think the one I am using is called a solid-state coil and the violet on the relay witches to a blue to the coil. That's how it is on my running Saxon (as I bought it) I am tempted to join the violet to the blue and do away with the relay because when I switch the run/kill to run, it of course switches to the coil via the relay. I had a delivery of 5M of brown 1.5 this morning so I can now add the ground wires in the right colour and reset the loom and aux. into their right places etc. (neaten it up a bit). Anyway, not too much to do now, Tank, seat, Carb, Dot 4 into front brake and reg number plate and keep me fingers crossed, a ring ding ding, then MOT. At least with this virus, it's made this old faart get his finger out a bit.
Take care all wish you well and safe Alan.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Sat Sep 26, 2020 7:21 am

Hi Guys,
Well, I have actually finished the Saxon (i will do some pics later) I am very pleased with it, in fact, at first, way back before the virus problem, I thought
I might do the build and sell it and that would make my first Saxon free of charge sort of, but to be honest, it's turned out so well that it will probably be the other way round so, we know come to the final problem, carburetters, especially as everything else is spot on. The carb that was attached to the engine when I bought it was a BVF, incidently I think the engine has done 19K miles so the BVF probably the same, now, the info that I am getting is that the BVF is probably not the best and with that amount of miles I should look at something better, ie, a Mikuni VM30. They are expensive. I have a Bing 84 that came with the Saxons
in the boxes, but no manifld and I am not over happy about the condition so the Mikuni might be the best bet excepting the high cost and the problem with the manifold etc. There are some very cheap Mikuni look-alikes from China. I have added to this post really asking you guys, what would you do, and why.
hoping everything is good with you, Alan.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Sat Sep 26, 2020 8:14 am

Hi Guys,
Just to add a bit more to the mix, have been looking at PWK 34 carbs, again from China, stupid prices 20 to 30 quid, sorry pounds, does anyone know anything about these? Alan.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby Puffs » Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:43 am

Hi Alan,

see viewtopic.php?f=20&t=10290&p=51251&sid=8a66b7fd0117aafef4b03ba2f25ddcef#p50780 & viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9224&start=15#p51539 on my experience with a PWK 32. Summary: though I think the power jet is malarkey (at least for my MZ), it's a nice carb, works well, but it brings little extra over the original BVF. So for originality I went back to the BVF.

If I may ask: why a 34mm carb? I know that 250cc race bikes can go up to 40mm, but those have quite a few differences with a standard MZ, and most importantly: different objectives. IMO you should not expect any real power gain from the extra 4 (?)mm, in fact at low revs & full throttle performance might suffer. Not sure if yours has an oil pump, if it has the cable operation will be tailored to the OD of the original carb. In a way I regret not having tried the 30mm model.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:30 am

Hi puffs,
The 34 is what's being offered with the PWk for the 300cc, it's an absolute stupid price if I remember one of them is a little over £18 with free postage from China. At that price I am half inclined to order one, trouble is I want to get the bike running, and China will take quite a while. I am waiting for info about the Mikuni VM30 from Allen Performnce Ltd to get back to me weather the VM30 is the best carb for the 300cc, probably pricy though. Then we have all the
Mikuni look alikes from the States, trouble is with that one they have all come from China and then to us, trouble is you then get companies, an example, Pitney
Bowes who take on the collection of moneys for import duty and shipping etc, especially as there is no import duty till £135, not good. I looked at an artical recently that was singing the praises for the Mikuni and if I go that way, I might get a testing week or two from you know who, so, thanks for your thoughts Puffs and all the info.
Take care Alan.
Last edited by AlanJ on Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby Puffs » Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:18 am

If I remember correctly, the 'special offer' bit also played a role when I bought the 32mm.

Wrt 'no import duty till £135': are you sure? I know you're no longer EU, but still on the same rules I believe, and here it's €22.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Mon Sep 28, 2020 6:54 am

Hi Puffs,
I asked the question on Google and the answer was up to £135 .00 no duty and then 2.5% till £800, they are not always right of course.
at the moment on a genuine Mikuni VM30 the best deal from the states jetted for the 301 is £165 and with shipping £178. As I am typing this I have finaly got through to Allens Performance Ltd and their price is £154.24 + £14 post again jetted as necessary. Obviously, if I had to go this way then Allens would be the one
Trouble is there are so many look-alikes from China, and as I said earlier a fair few of these go to the States first and then Pitney Bowes gets a go at it on ebay.
Hmm. Thanks Puffs, that info you set me up with was great and as for seeling a carb to the manifold I nearly mentioned anaerobic multi gasket, and then I thought Nooo, I will let you take that one, Ha Ha.
Take care Alan.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby Puffs » Mon Sep 28, 2020 7:46 am

OK, maybe I' mixing things. Duties is not VAT, which you do have to pay from £15 onwards, see

Best of luck!
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:24 am

I stand corrected the duty is £135 to £630 not to £800. Thanks Puffs. I have just ordered a couple of carbs from China a 34mm flat slide for £17 and a Mikuni VM30 copy for £25, I might want some help with jetting we'll see, keep you posted. While I am waiting for them to arrive I will have a go at the BVF and Bing 84
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:16 am

Hi Guys,
Hope you are all ok especially as the blasted covid is having another go at us. During last week I saw a doctor on the box talking about the problem and
he said that until everyone in the world thinks the same, we must do the right thing to rid the world of this virus, then sadly, we won't. Not good is it?
Anyway guys, the reason for this post is, I have more or less finished the Saxon, and it is running although smoking a little too much, could be as it's running on petroil at the moment ( too much oil) or it could be the oil in the crankcase, not sure yet. I have a problem, not with the ignition, but with the charging system.
I have fitted a Taiwan made copy of the Vape Power Dynamo system and as I do not have a wiring diag for this, I have used the info for a Vape system. Now the trouble is the red charging light does not go out as the revs increase. As I have mentioned before, electrics are not my best asset. I am getting some vibes from
various areas that this problem is known about, and there is a fix for it, and if that is the case could someone kindly poke me in the right direction.
Stay safe Guys, Alan.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby Puffs » Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:12 am

Hi Alan, good to hear from you!

On the "until everyone in the world thinks the same": best not hold your breadth then... That's not going to happen in our lifetime.
But IMO it's even worse; there is more to this virus than just cognitively agreeing on a course of action. The fundamental problem is that the way this virus procreates is linked with common social behaviour. And that's not so easy to change, and from time to time one might forget one of the required measures. Without effective vaccines, we would have to significantly change our natural behaviour. And that's difficult, particularly as we would all have to do that.

And then there is talk of the virus mutating after transfer human --> animal --> human (with animals including mink, raccoon dogs, cats, ...), as well as several examples of former patients becoming re-infected. Those are not good signs for any vaccine remaining effective on the longer term. Nevertheless, I'm sure a solution will come.

Smoke: does your Saxon use an oil pump? If so, is adjusted it correctly? And if on premix, what ratio? While MZ recommends 1:50, my 251 hardly smokes @ 1:33, but you should use decent 2T oil (also for the pump). But indeed, only a little bit of gear oil will smoke quite excessively (and with a distinctive smell).

The Vape on my Jawa is a 6V version, of which it is known that it does not control the charge light. If you connect that charge light, it always shines. But that does not mean that the system doesn't charge, it charges fine. However, I understand the 12V Vape systems do control a charge light correctly. But I do not know your system, and I wouldn't know to what extent it is identical to any Vape system.

What does the vendor say?

I would recommend to measure the voltage across the poles of the battery, with the engine running (and also see what the lights do). And if it really doesn't charge, then either it's connected wrong, or there is another issue. Also, you have it running, so the ignition part is OK; what output do you get if you do not connect the battery? Sorry for not being able to help better.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:27 am

Hi Puffs,
Thanks for your thoughts, but leaving this terrible virus aside for the moment and looking at the problem with this charge light, I was going to check the voltage with the engine running, across the battery terminals, It's showing 12.65V static, and I will see what voltage with the main beam on, and if I get about 14.5V it should be ok. As you mentioned that your charge light stays on and as I am getting vibes that can be the case with this type of system, I feel I should just accept that that's how it is. As far as the smoke goes I noticed when I first looked at the engine, after taking the head and barrel off, as I turned the crank over,
the flywheel was just picking up a small amount of oil on the edge. Not knowing anything of the engines history and having experience of hard main oil seals on the clutch side being one hell of a problem with smoke etc. I changed the engine's main oil seals, but I did not empty the oil in the sump, so that is probably the problem with the smoke (i hope). I have not set the oil pump yet and am using premix at 50-1. The trouble with this charging concern is I am lucky to have the Saxon on a hydraulic platform but with it completely down it is too high for my right leg to fire it up, so I have to stand on a stool with my left leg, it's a bit wobbly so I have to feel in a reckless mood before I give it a go. Joking aside though if the oil is coming from the gearbox oil then I am in for an engine stripdown, time will tell. thanks again Puffs wish you well.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:50 am

Hi again Puffs,
Something I forgot to mention, You will remember the bit of fun we had about sealing the carb to the manifold only using the BVF or rather a male carb with a female manifold connection. I am using a 37 dia x 3mm O ring, you don't have to use any sealant with that.
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