Good news is that the piston looks prety good from what I can see from the exhaust port.
Its not black under the rings, which means there is no blowby.

Bad news is the crank seal still leaks quite a lot. This time it did less than a 100 km and it already leaks.
Pretty big puddle of oil. It definetly leaks at the shaft.

Im out of ideas at this point...
Anything else I can check or should I tear apart the engine in hopes that the issue is the bearins and/or crankshaft (as mentioned in previous posts)?
Another observation; while I was lookin thru the exhaust port I noticed the port was completly covered in oil.
As far as I know it should be relativly dry carbon buildup, especially with 2% synthetic oil.
The spark plug is dry, and the light brown color says to me the air/fuel mixture is good.
Could this be another clue. I would assume the left seal also let loose, since the bike is a bit smoky at heavy throttle.