Wheels for sale!

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65, Brian

Wheels for sale!

Postby Blurredman » Tue Jul 16, 2019 4:07 am

I have two front 18″ drums and a rear 18″ drum (but looks to be from a 125 (?) as has round lugs and not rectangular one)

I would not recommend you ride on the tyres that are mounted on them at all.

I want them gone, otherwise they’re probably going into the skip.

A tenner a wheel? I’m situated near Hengoed, South Wales.

1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
1979 Suzuki TS185ER - 10,000 miles
1981 Honda CX500B - 91,000 miles
1987 MZ ETZ300 - 39,000 miles
1989 MZ ETZ251 - 50,000 miles

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