I used to get clutch slip on my clutches when I used the EP (that's all I could get) EP80/90- GL4.
I have taken to using 20w50 mineral these days though because I often have that lying about and I don't really notice any slip as such. I thought at the time that Semi-synthetic would be the wa to go, but i think even that could be too slippery for the clutch sometimes in engaging situations..
The clutch unit itself is in it's own single (once constructed) unit that allows it to be taken off the crank in a single unit. It contains the plates, the carrier and the push plate that seperates the clutch plates. At the bottom end of the clutch (crank side when on the engine) there are 5-6 supporting arms if you will. The back unit is the item which pushes towards the engine in order to engage (or disengage?- Always tricky decision to decide which..) the clutch. These arms also allow you to measure the resting gap between the two sections of the clutch and therefore tell if the plates are worn sufficiently to denote replacement.
I have the official service manual for the ES250 Here:
ftp://blurredmanswebsite.ddns.net/Vehic ... Manual.pdfYou can find talk of the clutch on page 34. You don't have to dismantle the clutch to figure out the wear indicators, but you do certainly have to take the clutch cover off the engine.