Almost 10K miles on the Michelin Pilot Road 2s and they are bald...
My local independent shop closed doors. Went to a few of the brand name dealers to get quotes for tires....
At least $300 for tires and another $100 to mount and balance...Off the Bike!!!
I acknowledge the local shops need work, but come on...
Decided it was time to do my own tire change and I didn't really want to spoon on another set of tires (been there, done that...OUCH)...
Lots of internet research, decided on the Harbor Freight changer and a Mojo Tire lever.
Harbor Freight tire changer. $90 local.
Mojo Tire Bar and Blocks $139...
Shinko Podium 006 radials, 140/60 rear and 110/70 front. $160 shipped to my door.
After putting the tools together one evening, I changed the tires this weekend. Off the bike to back on took me about 2 hours total.
The Mojo Bar lived up to the "hype", easy to use, go slow and make sure to follow the "correct" video directions...
Like this one:
$400 bucks from a shop...I have about $300 invested in the tools I bought this time, plus the I'm a bit in the hole.
Will make all that back on the next tire change.
Long test ride on the Shinkos Monday. Turn in is a bit quicker, hold a line well. I didn't push, will wear them in a bit longer.
Varying reports on mileage from other riders, I'll keep track and update.