Hi all,
So I took TS150 out for a spin today (after leaving her sit for about 2 months...took me a few minutes to clean the buttery crud out of the carb that was blocking the main jet; think I might drill/install a drain plug for it soon.) Anyway - after warming up for a bit, I get her onto the main roads and the ride is fine - the gears are where they should be, the clutch isn't too heavy and the throttle responds nicely. But I get about 5 miles out on the 40mph roads, and the ride starts getting a bit hesitant, throttle stops pulling quite as smoothly as it did. I think maybe it's misfiring, but it doesn't sound like it. Then I come to a stop at a junction, and as I pulled in the clutch the engine died. Took me 5mins to get going again. Then it happens again a few minutes down the road. And again. AND AGAIN! Finally, I try and pull over to the side and I can't find neutral...had to almost bump-start the engine so it would turn the gears enough to slip into neutral. After a bit of time cooling off, I got into neutral just fine and the engine started again, but in gear there was no power and the engine would bog and die with any throttle at all...
Long story short, I had to push TS home up a half-mile-long hill because she would kickstart just fine, but the moment I got on and shifted into 1st gear, the revs would drop like a stone even when the clutch lever was against the bar and letting out the lever even a tiny bit would kill the engine dead, even if I tore the throttle wide open.
Technical details: unmodified 1976 TS150/2 engine; a (well tested, definitely non-faulty) transistorized 6V points-ignition; N.O.S. replacement clutch plates less than with 50 miles on them; original driven-plates (with some wear, but not much - see attached); new oil seals installed correctly with well-greased lips; gearbox filled with 0.5l fresh GL4 80W-90 _gear oil_; clutch worm adjusted to be 0.25 turns out from "tension" point on the clutch pressure-bolt. Definitely not burning gear oil, because the oil pours out from the check-screw hole just fine.
I have no idea what to check next. I'm pretty sure it's the clutch from the behaviour. When I changed the friction plates a few months ago, the springs still felt VERY stiff (hurt my hand getting the cups out!) and seemed about the right length (didn't put my calipers on them, however) so I wonder if it might be the springs losing tension because they're 30+ years old? Can anyone throw some light on this?