Most appropriate oil for an ETZ 250?

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Most appropriate oil for an ETZ 250?

Postby Blurredman » Mon May 05, 2014 5:20 am

I have a couple of issues with my clutch and i'm wondering if it is the oil. I used Silkolene (specifically) 75w/90 Semi synthetic in my gearbox. I have quite a clutch snag on biting point, and sometimes if I really give it beans in the mid gears I have come accross clutch slip.

It's obvious that clutch slip is probably caused by the oil being too slick, but I did some research and it is possible that it is the oil which also causes this clutch snag when I get to the biting point. Is this the case? Should I drain and use 80/90 mineral instead? I don't remember coming accross these issues when I was using 80/90 before I put semi in.

1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
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Re: Most appropriate oil for an ETZ 250?

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Mon May 05, 2014 9:25 am ... ID=1048908

there is the spec page

i think some part has failed but not because of the oil

if you have not owned it from new you have no idea the abuse it has suffered

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Re: Most appropriate oil for an ETZ 250?

Postby Blurredman » Mon May 05, 2014 10:09 am

Hmm, I may have put in Mineral then.. Unfortunately I threw out the bottle so i've somewhat forgotten.

I have not owned it from new no, But about a year ago I did replace the friction plates. TBH, I went out today on it, and It didn't feel as bad. Perhaps because I hadn't ridden it for a few weeks prior to Saturday, and had become unaccustomed to the bike after commuting every day on my CX500.

It was something that just occured to me, and perhaps others are more knowledgable about oils, and in particular the amalgamation of oils and MZ's :lol:
1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
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Re: Most appropriate oil for an ETZ 250?

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Mon May 05, 2014 11:33 am

you said CX500 my stepson had a cx500 a 1979 model and there bad about oil
do change your engine oil and filter OFTEN
they love nice fresh oil
and they loose the crank over here on a regular basis
as the fellows do not watch level and change it often
its a very nice bike but loves fresh oil changes
and it no fun changeing out a crank ..been there done that

Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: Most appropriate oil for an ETZ 250?

Postby Blurredman » Mon May 05, 2014 3:02 pm

DAVID THOMPSON wrote:you said CX500 my stepson had a cx500 a 1979 model and there bad about oil
do change your engine oil and filter OFTEN
they love nice fresh oil
and they loose the crank over here on a regular basis
as the fellows do not watch level and change it often
its a very nice bike but loves fresh oil changes
and it no fun changeing out a crank ..been there done that


Likewise, as have I. Mine's an '82 with 63k on the clock. I change the oil every 5k miles and top it up regularly. Piston rings were replaced at around 57/58k mark (had to do one side twice as the oil scraper ring failed on the first set).
What did your step son run it on? I use 50w20 mineral in mine. And have been since I have had the bike. I have a few gallons that I bought for a good price. Though I think I might try 10w40 mineral, next time to see what a difference it makes to the transmission.

I used my cx500 for courier work a few months ago, and on a 300 odd mile run at a constant 70mph/80mph to London, then after the drop a nice cruise of 55mph, it would burn half a litre, or rather, 1 pint.
1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
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Re: Most appropriate oil for an ETZ 250?

Postby Tony the Skin » Mon May 05, 2014 4:57 pm

Being a Harley Sportster rider I have like many others used Spectro Primary Chaincase Oil in preference to Harley's own product. The Sportster like the MZ shares the primary oil with the gearbox. I have used this oil in my MZ and found an improvement in the clutch. A mate on mine found a considerable improvement on his 251 which pulls a sidecar. We did 1400 miles on the bike in a week this year when the bike was used for the Elephant Rally this year. Tried and tested.
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Re: Most appropriate oil for an ETZ 250?

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Mon May 05, 2014 5:04 pm

shell rotella t 20w 50 on the cx500
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Re: Most appropriate oil for an ETZ 250?

Postby Cerberus73 » Tue May 06, 2014 3:24 am

Motul Transoil its SAE80 GL4 rated, i had same problem, put fresh recommended oil in from Halfords (only local stockist of gear oil, same GL4 rating) it near fecked my clutch, slipping like hell, almost couldn't kick start it, had to strip and clean clutch plates in brake cleaner. put in the Motul stuff, its been fine since.
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Re: Most appropriate oil for an ETZ 250?

Postby mr_luke » Tue May 06, 2014 1:56 pm

Wilko's cheapest 20/50 for me. Before I rebuilt it, the gearbox had a habit of filling with water so fast that I had to change the oil as often as I filled up the 2T tank, so proper gear oil seemed a bit of a waste! Everything seemed to work fine, so I've stuck with it!
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