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Postby dwc » Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:29 am

Apologies For repeating the subject.

I posted some time ago ,but due to circumstances I was unable to complete the tasks I set my self, so here goes. Below is a reply from STOGADOG to my previous question.

Re: Powerdynamo

Postby stogadog » Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:48 pm
Right then - I've been out to the bike and this is what I have found!
First off - I presume that you have a new reg/rec that came with the kit?
If so you can junk all of your old wiring, from the dynamo,coil and reg
From the new dynamo/ignition unit I have 5 wires -
two black - these go to the reg/rec unit
brown - this is the earth to the coil
yellow and red - these both go to the coil

The black wire from the relay goes into the old loom - on mine it joins into a black and white wire, which heads off to the ignition switch.

There is a green and red wire from the new reg/rec - this goes into the old loom and connects with a blue wire

The red wire from the reg/rec goes to the fuse box. It doesn't matter what kind of fuse you have - I have blades in mine but as I said you have more fuses than I do but this red wire goes to my "main" fuse.

The only other wire that may be confusing is a blue one from the relay which goes into a blue and white one on the coil.

Hope this helps - but please check your wiring diagram first as your loom may be a

I haven't looked at the bike for sometime thwarted by the whole thing so I thought a fresh pair of eyes might bring on a eureka moment. Alas not.

In some way I have made progress in that I understand where the wires are supposed to go after reexamining the wiring diagram, however I cannot fathom where in the loom they are supposed to be connected.

The black lead from the relay is to be connected to the existing system but to which lead?
The red/green is to be connected from the regulator to the Charge control, where is that?
The blue lead from the harness, well I know it's for neutral but where should I attach it.

If any kind folks out there can supply a clear blown up picture of said connections I will be forever in your debt. I just want this thing on the road.

Regards DWC
Posts: 42
Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:05 am

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