by phoebeisis » Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:47 pm
The pilot circuit is partially plugged.The star circuit is usually yhe largest diameter,so it generally plugs up last.The pilot is the smallest,it goes 1st-MJ second.You can get the bike started,and it will run,but it is too lean so it backfires,stumbles,kills( with no pilot circuit,it runs just on MJ circuit which is barely in play at small throttle openings).The pilot circuit is the pilot jet,and the tiny passageways that actually connect to the venturi.
If you are lucky,maybe you can just take out the PJ and blast it with spray bottle carb cleaner(watch out for your eyes),then blast where the PJ is screwed in.Might as well give the Start and MJ circuits the treatment while you are there.The carb cleaner is tough on plastic(float etc),so either be very careful,or immediately blast the area with water to wash the carb stuff off areas it shouldn't sit on.
If this doesn't work thake the carb off-disassemble-and use the dip carb cleaner for 1/2 hr or so( or twice as long as it says to on the paint can it comes in).Luck.Charlie