Does any body in the UK have the rear sprocket C clip that holds the speedo drive in place with the rear sprocket?
I managed to break mine and it is un-usable. I would buy it from MZ-B, but I have bought every thing I need from MZ-B over the past few months, and don't wish to shell out just for 1 or 2 of these clips. Postage alone is more expensive.
As far as I am aware, all MZ's from the TS125 'till the ETZ300 have the same c clip part shared. I do not know the part number. But will look for one in manual etc. I've taken the C clip in question to my local shops but none of them can help me hence why I am here.
Anyone else here got a few spare, and cable adjusters for the carb throttle/choke cable ??
I'm obviously willing to pay.
Mucho appreciato.