Dynamo Testing

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Dynamo Testing

Postby Stuart109 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:58 pm

I have just completed rewiring my 1961 RT125/3.

The wiring was a right mess as the previous owner had attempted to fit some parts from a later MZ, so I have had to make a new loom.

I have also had to replace various bits in the coil box and the dynamo.

Having got the whole thing back together the engine runs well but I don’t think it is charging.

Can anyone tell me the best way to test the dynamo to establish where the fault is?


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Re: Dynamo Testing

Postby therealche » Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:05 pm

www.sweller.co.uk/mz/electrics/dyn_tst.html should give you a starting point. Keep at it you will get there!
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