I amnot sure what the stock valves on the Raptor are made out of. We made both standard size and oversize valves in both titanium and stainless steel. If the Raptor revs 2,000 rpm higher it is not because of titanium valves only. I am not sure what the rev-limit is on a Raptor though.
keithcross wrote:Not sure, but looking at the parts drawings the crank looks the same to.
very possible, but the timing marks on the flywheel would have to be different, or the timing marks in the cases, which is possible since they are different cases.
Just had a look at the parts cat again. The crankshafts are different betwen the Raptor and the MZ. The flywheel weights are a different shape (Lighter?) The generator is also different. The sub loom for the MZ has the wire for Netrual in it the raptors does not.
If you want to look at Raptor parts go to http://www.part-Yamaha.com This site has the parts drwings and numbers on it for the Raptor models.