A little while ago, Andy288 posted a query about replacement side panel locks on an ETZ. I responded that they could be replaced with a cheap cam lock, available on ebay, but would need the cam altering. As for the last 4 years Emzie has needed a new one, I thought I'd better put my money where my mouth is, and do it myself.A lock 16mm across the flat sides, and 16mm deep, was purchased from China for £1.68, incuding postage, (as opposed to £16.00 from a MZ supplier on ebay). As can bee seen in the photo below the cam has to be modified
It needs shortenig to 34mm, and reprofiling, as below
Obviously this is a file to fit operation, as after 20 odd years every thing is a little off line, so just file a little, try it out , then file again if necessery.
Once happy with the fit, bolt it all up, and security is yours.