MZ ETZ Saxon Sportstar 125cc - Exhaust cap?

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MZ ETZ Saxon Sportstar 125cc - Exhaust cap?

Postby snuffpig » Thu May 24, 2012 1:49 pm

I have a lovely little blue Saxon 125 but it's developed an odd exhaust problem!

On the way to work this morning I noticed the sound on the bike had got a lot louder. On inspection I could see what I think you call either an exhaust cap or maybe baffler had come loose. On some parts of the journey it slid out out around 5 inches or so, depending on the angle of the terrain I was on.

I am able to push it back together so it seals properly, however as soon as I start the engine it shakes apart again. You can see in the picture attached what the separation looks like when the engine has idled for a few moments.

What are my options to fix this? How is that inner part of the exhaust (baffler?) normally held in place? I can only presume it would normally be welded or screws; but I can't see any obvious place a screw would go.

Any advice would be really welcome!
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Joined: Thu May 24, 2012 1:31 pm

Re: MZ ETZ Saxon Sportstar 125cc - Exhaust cap?

Postby radiograf » Thu May 24, 2012 1:55 pm

Push it back in, drill a small hole in the side so it goes through both body and endcap, and fit a self tapping screw.
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Re: MZ ETZ Saxon Sportstar 125cc - Exhaust cap?

Postby snuffpig » Thu May 24, 2012 2:46 pm

Thank you for the advice! I don't own either of those things so I will see if there is anyone who can help me tomorrow evening. If not I guess I will have to take it to the local bike shop on Saturday morning and see if he can do it.
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu May 24, 2012 1:31 pm

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