by metric » Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:16 pm
I can try to take a picture of the inside of the headlight of my TS150 tomorrow if you really think it will help. I'm afraid it will just show a mass of wires.
Looking at one of the diagrams I posted, the one called SCHALTTS.gif, I think it's possible that the US-version circuit is not so different from the German one.
Power reaches the two-terminal flasher 12 through the 8a fuse 13. Thence wiring goes to the switch 10, then on to the lights 6 and 7, or 8 and 9 depending on switch position. The lights are grounded (earthed) in the diagram by wires running to grounding points MA and MB; if you have only one wire to each light, the ground side of the light simply grounds through its socket.
I think any two-terminal flasher of appropriate voltage will work in this system.
You can run a test on the system by joining the two wires which attach to the flasher. In this condition the signal should light, but not flash, on the side selected by the switch. If so, it's likely that the flasher is at fault. If not, perhaps fuse 13 is faulty.
I will check back here in the morning to see if you'd still like the photograph. It's not highly convenient to get to the machine in storage, but it would be amusing for me to pay attention to the bike.