Hi all,
It's been running shoddy as in 15-20 mph on sllght hills. It has cut out a few times, twice on steep hills when dropping down to 1st and revving, once when trying to push at high revs - it bump started ok in these situations...
Today I had my ts 125 timed up by a chap who used to work for Wilf Green, 15+ years. It made little difference to the performance, pulling no better but it got me home, 12 miles. I think the exhaust may have too much resistance due to corrosion and build up.
Then it cut out near my home and wouldn't start again. I checked the fuel supply there was a little crud in the fuel filter so I checked the carb - there was a tiny amount of sediment inthe float bowl but otherwise clean. I put the carburetor back on and now it pees fuel out of the pinhole at the front.
Can anyone offer me any help - is the float bowl now set wrong to make it pour fuel out? And why will it not fire?