Standard or modify

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Standard or modify

Postby Trogolodyte » Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:38 pm

Am desperatly in need of advice,
My 500 country had a silencer and middle section of the exhaust that is getting religion, i am finding that finding replacements is a bit like finding chicken teeth, or rocking horse poo. i have a few options like A:- keep her standard and have a new center section and tail pipe made up in stainless, expensive or B, use a center section from an Mt500 armstrong and a tail pipe from something like a honda Xr500 or other sporty 500cc trail bike Much cheaper

advice and other ideas welcomed............
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Re: Standard or modify

Postby billr » Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:58 pm

I chose numba 2 with my Chinabike (hey, it got me riding again... :-D )
Canister sounded like it had rocks inside. New parts were not to be had and heavy to boot.
Found a nice, inexpensive used aftermarket pipe and can that bolted right on with a bit of backwoods engineering.
Could have used the stock header and saved more.
Bill R
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Re: Standard or modify

Postby Trogolodyte » Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:35 am

Yeah, have come to that conclusion myself. Found a nice little Bsa B40/C15 alloy trials silencer that would be relativly easy to modify to fit, & will have a word with a few of my mates who have the kit to bend large bore stainless pipes.....
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Location: Basingstoke, Hampshire

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