ETZ 251 Rear brake VERY WEAK!!

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ETZ 251 Rear brake VERY WEAK!!

Postby thomaskwscott » Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:04 pm

Hi Guys,

I recently replaced the brake pads on my 1992 MZ ETZ251 and now i seem to have very little in the way of braking force. I have adjusted it so that there is just the beginning of resistance at rest and when the bike is stopped there is plenty there to hod it. However when going at 30 mph i can stamp on the brake and the is little slowing effect.

I should mention that previous to this i had a strange effect where it would appear that the break was caught, i would put my foot down and feel nothing until a loud pop made the brake come up under my foot. This appears to be gone but so is a lot of braking force.

Any idea?
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Re: ETZ 251 Rear brake VERY WEAK!!

Postby Old Dog » Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:37 am

The 251 is arguably the most over braked bike ever. The rear sounds as though you haven't put it back together properly. Strip it and do it again.

The front ought to throw you on the road with too much of a handful. SS pin and check the pistons aren't seized
All the best

Old Dog

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