The other day, I fitted the generator seal clip that was missing, and upon fitting it, the bike started and ran beautifully....
I went for a ride, and it pulled the best it EVER has....
I was happy
it would pull happily from 2,000rpm to 6,000rpm and accelerate hard once in the powerband (once the engine was warm)
then about 3 miles into the ride, the charge warning light came on...
now to keep the engine running, I had to keep the revs above 3,000rpm or it would try and stall
which meant (on the lanes home) I was in first and second all the way.
now I did rev it a bit out of one of the corners (5,500~6,000rpm) and the red light dimmed down/turned off
but it only happened once or twice...
the bike still ran fairly well as long as the revs were kept high.
I managed to get home, and I removed the seat, and checked the charging system.
the (mechanical) regulator tested OK, I havent checked the rectifier yet.
the battery had a good amount of charge (and its fairly new)
but now the bike wont start.....
its got a good healthy spark, its getting fuel into the cylinder, and its got good compression
its spluttered a couple of times, but nothing more....
its currently running premix (50:1)
any ideas?