Hi, I am checking and cleaning all the connections on my ETZ125 1987. I have taken the cap off the lead and measured the resistance on my multimeter. The reading was about 001 or 002 instead of 000. So I thoroughly cleaned the cap with WD40 and got the black gooey gunge out from the screw end where bits of the cable had sort of stuck to it. I eventually got the 000 reading which I understand means no resistance i.e. a good current flow. However when trying to get a reading from end to end of the blue cable the reading is still 001/002; should the reading be 000? I cannot see any copper when looking down at both ends. Should the cable be replaced? I cannot get a 000 reading - is this a factor that could lead to my weak yellow sparks instead of fat blue ones as stated in the manual?
Is this a standard size HT cable or an East German/continental/MZ size? Are they available in motorist shops?
I am planning to replace the battery anyway soon, but is this cable still serviceable
Thanks for any advice