MZ skorpion starting trouble

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MZ skorpion starting trouble

Postby Srinath » Sun May 22, 2011 7:58 pm

OK the bike that I recently bought and cleaned and got back to useable condition started and and ran fine yesterday. I rode it up and down the street etc etc. It had plenty of power and seemed nice and very eager to rev compared to the others in this size I have ridden like a GS or an EX or others.

Now, today it got very hard to start, and sometimes the start button makes some serious metallic clunking noises from the point where it engages the crank - left side on the engine case is where I feel the knocking sensation, and doesn't run very long and coughs and sputters and stalls with the same loud clunk noises.
Also the small inspection cover that has the starter reduction gear was pretty much splattered with white liquid - but it didn't smell like antifreeze. The additional thing is that the radiator even when cold is pressurised, kinda like opening a fresh soda can. It spits a bit of liquid all around. The radiator is also low on water/antifreeze.

So any one know what could be happening. I mean I have my guess, but has anyone had this happen before ? And what was it.

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