Alabama Tornadoes

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Alabama Tornadoes

Postby comanche91 » Mon May 02, 2011 8:37 pm

Holy crap, what a week. On 27 April Alabama was devastated by tornadoes nearly state-wide. I was in the garage working on my MZ when a tornado touched down right across the street, ripped up a few Bartlett pear trees, came across the road and yanked a huge maple tree right on the corner of my driveway and dropped it across my neighbor's driveway. Then it went back across and ripped out every tree for about a quarter of a mile down the road until it died. Luckily none of the trees fell on anyone's house. Power went out immediately and was restored just tonight. I've always had a generator handy and it sure earned it's keep this last week. Not only did it provide lights and keep our food from rotting, most importantly it kept the beer cold. :-D Had to make several 100 mile round trips just to keep gas in it.

My daughter who is going to school at U-Alabama in Tuscaloosa was not so lucky. A tree fell on the off-campus house where she was living and another crushed her Mustang. She was in class taking her final exams when it happened thank God. We went down to Tuscaloosa to bring her home yesterday, and the devastation is unbelievable. Over 300 confirmed dead and many more still missing. Been thru many natural disasters in my time (Typhoon Paka in Guam, the Mt. Pinatubo volcanic eruption in the Philippines among others), and these tornadoes rank right up there. Dodged the old bullet again.
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Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Mon May 02, 2011 9:16 pm

my dad was from south east Kansas a town called wellington ks
he said "son just because you live in the east does not protect you
from storms always remember to watch the sky when the weather is bad..."
not seen any this year but had some real bad ones up here....
i check into a skywarn net here local as a ham radio operator
and a couple week ago one fellow was reporting soft ball size hail
and a coworker lost his whole house at Belleville WV several others had damage
so keep a sharp eye out
its not over for the summer YET

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Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Postby billr » Wed May 04, 2011 2:35 pm

Glad everyone in your family is safe.
Hopefully a quick recovery for the area.
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Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Postby comanche91 » Mon May 09, 2011 10:34 pm

billr wrote:Glad everyone in your family is safe. Hopefully a quick recovery for the area.
Bill R

Thanks Bill. We were w/o power for a bit over a week but the generator made it tolerable. Insurance replaced the daughter's Mustang and she is back in Tuscaloosa doing volunteer work with her ROTC troops. Still about 50% power outages across the state. Used the MZ a lot the first few days after the tornadoes passed through as many roads were marginal passable due to fallen trees and debris. Been fun. NOT......... :shock:
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