MuZ skorpion rear brake caliper/bags wanted

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65

MuZ skorpion rear brake caliper/bags wanted

Postby poppanitrous » Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:29 am

Im interested in buying a rear brake caliper that will fit a MUZ skorpion i can pay using "paypal"

Also OEM touring bags for the skorpion traveler and hardware.

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Re: MuZ skorpion rear brake caliper/bags wanted

Postby MattyP » Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:18 pm


I've had no luck tracking down any actual OEM hard bags for the skorp (at least not w/o having to buy a whole bike to get them). I do find these a very suitable alternative: [url] I used them all year last year and, except for one really intense midwestern downpour, things in them stay pretty dry. Good clips and strong velcro that will fit under the seat. I really like them, and their people. I have only heard good things about their other stuff too.
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Re: MuZ skorpion rear brake caliper/bags wanted

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:20 pm

nice bags
but ouch! on the price
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Re: MuZ skorpion rear brake caliper/HELPPPPPP!!!!!!

Postby poppanitrous » Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:12 pm

Hello MZ enthusiasts,
This is my daily rider with over 24,000 miles on it. After losing a c-clip that holds the pin in place that goes through the rear pads, also the two pins and retainer that goes in between the pads vibrated and fell out.
So now i have no hardware in the rear caliper.

Can someone PLEASE point me in the direction to a LINK that i can get the hardware: Grahamsin the UK doesnt have rear brake caliper hardware, Grimeca never writes back and there is a whole caliper on ebay but wont send over seas.

I really need a rear caliper or the hardware and can paypal instantly is there anyone on the forums that can help me source the pin or another rear caliper that will fit in the same orientation??????
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Re: MuZ skorpion rear brake caliper/bags wanted

Postby Norman Wade » Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:04 pm

Replacing the pin with a bolt and Nylok nut has been covered here:
You don't really need the two pins and retainer, most Skorpions I've seen run without them.
As for the bags, go to Hepco & Becker's website click on 'worldwide' and select the importer in your country. The standard bags are 30 litres, but are a bit small so it's worth paying a bit extra for the 40 l ones.
The standard hardware for mounting the bags is an MZ part, so should be available through Graham's. However, Hepco also do a different set of hardware that includes a rear rack, part no: 650741.0001

This is my Traveller with H&B hardware, and 40 litre 'Junior' bags and topcase.


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Re: MuZ skorpion rear brake caliper/bags wanted

Postby MattyP » Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:45 pm

The link I put up goes to a different bag than I had intended. Ouch indeed! I meant to lead you to the 'stealth' bag (look in the navigation screen on the left hand side of the page). I got them used on ebay, but they're in great shape. As far as I know chase harper has a lifetime warranty on these bags (and I think all their bags). And for those of us who are in the States they're made here, so double bonus. I didn't pay nearly $150, but think given the warranty and domestic manufacture its even worth the $150.

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Re: MuZ skorpion rear brake caliper/bags wanted

Postby cat » Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:23 am

Norman Wade wrote:Replacing the pin with a bolt and Nylok nut has been covered here:

Thanks for the link. It seems like a useful thing to do. Just waiting for my registration confirmation there. :)
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Re: MuZ skorpion rear brake caliper/bags wanted

Postby poppanitrous » Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:14 am

Thank you for the "no internal pin required" info.

On another note_besides the NO responses i got from Galen miller of the infamous bikeworx up north, he never called me back or even attempted to act like my business was worthy, i was referred to ROLAND of MZ parts in P.A., called and no one ever picks up the phone except a message machine and he never calls back!!!!!1-215-922-2214 ROLAND..he could have charged me what ever price and i would have bought the caliper for my MZ 2002 skorpion 660cc, since it is my daily rider to work.
Well now i encourage no one to go through either of these clowns.
Grahams from the UK has done better more efficient business from ENGLAND..Now i see why this once great country is going down hill in such an unfortunate direction.Lazy no good f*^%& running stores are not motivate enough to give a SH**!!
sad very sad

my two cents-

once again a link on here that doesnt what else is new..i dont want to login to see info! ... 3&start=10

post your no good mz parts links here:
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Re: MuZ skorpion rear brake caliper/bags wanted

Postby RiverDrive » Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:07 am

Rolland is not an MZ parts dealer. He is a great mechanic that runs an small independent shop in Philadelphia called "Spare Parts". The shop was once an MZ dealership but that was quiet a wile ago. He is a great guy and probably too busy to return misdirected calls.
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Re: MuZ skorpion rear brake caliper/bags wanted

Postby billr » Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:15 pm

I used the contact page on the Bikeworx website to ask a brake question.
Received a courteous and informative reply from Galen in a couple of days.
He couldn't help with what I asked, but provided a source to find what I might need.

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