Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65
Nozz wrote:Doesn't sound good. If it's not performing correctly, but not leaking at the caliper, it sounds like the master cylinder may be the source of the trouble. These must be used on a lot of other bikes, as I have gotten pads at the BMW store. No brakes is a showstopper! Have you replaced all the fluid?
Skorpion wrote:comanche 91
One way that has been known to work on the ETZ,
If you fill and bleed the brakes and you find as in your case a spongy feel to the lever,
fit a rubber band around the twist grip and brake lever so as to keep a slight pressure on the brake and leave overnight, all being well should be OK in the morning.
jimc wrote:Your bleeding procedure is basically correct. I am not a fan of reverse bleeding or the vacuum bleeders. Use clear hose. have a loop above the bleeder close the bleeder before releasing the lever. Watch for air bubbles or fizz when you re-bleed. do not use a lot of force , rapid pumping, or release the lever fast, as this can entrain air. Assuming you get good pressure after bleeding, try holding the lever HARD for awhile. A sinking lever indicates a leak or more likely bad M/C seals. (does the fluid level go down?) The funnel procedure seems nuts to me since an open bleeder thread is NOT air tight. Good luck. Jim
Nesim wrote:Hi comanche91,
I understand that you got a new front brake caliper. So you may need to sell old one.
If yes, I need a front caliper for my Baghira. My bleeding screw doesn't stays in its place anymore. It bleeds oil whenever I push the brake. Other parts are ok.
Ready to make payment with paypal, and shipment will be to Turkey. If I got it wrong, sorry from now. Thanks
comanche91 wrote:Hi Nesim. I have no problem with that, but I'm not sure the Baghira caliper is the same as used on the MZ 500 models. The MZ part number for the one I have is 94-67.696. Maybe someone on the forum can tell us?
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