Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65
boilermaker wrote:Mach
We have found a couple of coils that will do the job (see other threads) but the information re the impedence etc has been difficult to track down as the original coils were made by SAGEM in France and supplied via Siemens in Germany to MZ. The problem now is that SAGEM were taken over by Johnson Controls and have no technical department to talk to. What we do know is that the same coil was supplied to a number of car makers starting with Renault and the coil now recommended as a replacement can be used (all V6 engines Renault/Peugot,Alfa. a minor mod to the mounting is reqd.)
boilermaker wrote:Mach
Page 235 gives primary and secondary winding resistance figures, also page 179. Not being an electrical man I do not know how to translate that in to the impedence and then to talk to a sales person quoting an impedence and hope they understand what I am saying because the usual response that I get is one of "what car is it for sir" followed by "a bike? we don't do bike stuff" at which point I usually lose both patience and interest.
I wish you luck
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