oil change

News and Gossip on the upcoming MZ 1000S.

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Re: oil change

Postby boilermaker » Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:23 pm

Very good article, as you say worth a read.
I have been using the Hein Gerick stuff for a couple of years now but then I know where they get it from.
Yes we do have rather a lot of that white powdery stuff that john has a lot of every year, It is not so usual here because of our proximity to the sea but I have just glanced at the Thermometer hanging outside the window and its reading 15 c below so god knows what the temperature is up on Dartmoor which is a few miles the other way.
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Re: oil change

Postby tomtom » Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:25 am

So who is the maker of hein gerickes' oil
you can tell me, i won't tell any one :smt005
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Re: oil change

Postby boilermaker » Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:54 am

Any oil manufactured (for this read blended, as unless its a synthetic then it cannot be manufactured) in the UK can only come from about 5 major refineries/blenders so the name on the label is not really important which is why I would rely on the "technical" info on the can. We do have a small number of independant blenders (Fuchs Silkolene for one) but as I said most of the oils are produced by the majors and "branded" to order. I am not sure of the situation in the US.
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Location: Harbertonford, Devon, UK


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