MZ Faber?

News and Gossip on the upcoming MZ 1000S.

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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby iceman » Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:50 pm

scott964 wrote:Thought this needed a separate reply, Iceman, is that a shot of your bike?
Beautiful bike!!

Very, very nicely done.

Are you running a stock pipe to the canisters?

If you have any other pics from the side or front, I'd love to see them.

Couldn't resist.Scott this is mine as of this past July and 3,000 miles later.I was going to put I like being naked,truth is I like all bikes.just some more than others.I guess I could never see myself on a Gold wing. :D :D


Here's the paint job with the silver strips .
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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby iceman » Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:28 pm

scott964 wrote:Iceman,

, I have looked at other bikes, which were much older and was always advised to stay away from bikes stored over 10 years. Does anyone know anything about this bike? Is it a old dealer, dealer buy out? Why has it not been snapped up before now? almost seems to good to be true
Anyone have any thoughts or reservations about the Dayton OH bike?

What do you think.... anyone know anything about the Ohio bike?
Thank you

Scott it's only four years old soon to be five years old.I like this or the Florida bike way better than the NY bike.Look at nada or blue book last time I did they state about Motorcycles that you have to beware on millage.I know why they state that cause it's easy almost too easy with bikes.A lot like Aprilia will reset the miles on thier own when you change the me if you have no deposit on NY wait. fairings sorry you won't find fairings.Start a post and see if I,m wrong.
Someday when someone parts one out/or for the UK guys A breaker. :D
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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby scott964 » Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:25 am


Nice bike!! I like what you did with the stripes as well..... I ride a couple of naked bikes.... One Italian and the other British.
Both have been setup with pretty radical riding positions, which takes them out of the long range riding equation, but they are a blast in the mountains on a Sunday morning!!
But that is another reason the MZ appeals to me, is the ability to do both in one unique fun package.
I'm guessing you are one of a very few that has the SF here in the states. How did you pull that off?
Very nice bike.

I really appreciate the input and advice I have gotten from everyone on this site, and in talking with you all I've been learning more about the MZ and what I should be looking for... which is good, as now I'm seeing these more like BMW's and not Jap machines where 20k, is half the bikes life... and simply pulling the trigger on the NY bike, might end up costing me more in the long run.
Thank you for taking the time to reply and helping down the path to what I'm sure will be a bike I'm going to be having a lot of fun on, and turning a lot of heads.
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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby iceman » Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:02 am

Hi Scott,The original owner purchased the optional paint and the cover that goes over the passenger seat has a stripe that splits the one's on the tank.
He also paid for the Tourateck optional luggage which I don't think he ever used,I keep them covered to keep them looking new.I don't want the sun to fade them,they are cloth and were expensive.I got it off ebay the original owner bought a DUC 1098 after returning from Germany with the SF Super Fighter.In the picture the stripes look white but the are silver.
MZ never brought any into the US.They came out in 2005 and by then MZ gave up on the US.
I wish I could find a link to what I read in the past.It was about taking apart an MZ1000 motor at 50,000 kilometers,so what's that 25/30,000 miles and miked all the parts and there was no difference from new.Does anyone ever remember reading this ?

Last edited by iceman on Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby iceman » Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:12 am

scott964 wrote:Iceman,

Nice bike!! I like what you did with the stripes as well..... I ride a couple of naked bikes.... One Italian and the other British.
Both have been setup with pretty radical riding positions, which takes them out of the long range riding equation, but they are a blast in the mountains on a Sunday morning!!
But that is another reason the MZ appeals to me, is the ability to do both in one unique fun package.
I'm guessing you are one of a very few that has the SF here in the states. How did you pull that off?
Very nice bike.

I really appreciate the input and advice I have gotten from everyone on this site, and in talking with you all I've been learning more about the MZ and what I should be looking for... which is good, as now I'm seeing these more like BMW's and not Jap machines where 20k, is half the bikes life... and simply pulling the trigger on the NY bike, might end up costing me more in the long run.
Thank you for taking the time to reply and helping down the path to what I'm sure will be a bike I'm going to be having a lot of fun on, and turning a lot of heads.

Can you post a picture of your other bikes ? We all like bikes here.. :D
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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby scott964 » Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:40 am

Sure can....
So here is a shot of my 2006 Ducati PS1000LE, mine is the bike in the foreground with the full body work, race kit.

This is a shot of my garage, with my 1985 900 Ninja, 1999 Ducati 750 Monster/cafe racer.... which has since gotten some upgrades that I need to take some pics of, and my GB500, which has the full 600 kit in it. Dirt bike in back ground.

better shot of 750:

more on next post.........
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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby scott964 » Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:46 am

last group..... I have to get a pic of my Triumph T-Bird sport and the 750 as it sits now.

This is the vmax I just sold to make room for a MZ 1000s:

And my GB500 - full 600 kit, supertrapp exhaust, British made bar ends, telefix clip ons.
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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby boilermaker » Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:07 pm

The article relating to the stripping of an MZ 1000 motor was actually posted on the Faber-MZ site about 2 years ago. It also appeared in one of the German motorcycle mags, Wuppervalley may be able to help you out with this.
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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby iceman » Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:11 pm

They look nice,all very clean.Does the PS run hotter with the full fairing ?I love the swing arm on those and the frame color.
There's a guy on the Aprilia forum that goes by DR.Duck as he's a doctor with a Paul Smart there's not a thing they sell he doesn't have on it.
He has a few youtube videos.Scott what year was your Vmax ? how long did you have that big cruiser ?
I bet that PS really fly's .Check out this link of cool old bikes,some new.Scroll down some at the top missing Maybe the DR.sold his PS
I see the link didn't work.I'll post a picture of the nicest ones.
Last edited by iceman on Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby iceman » Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:41 pm

boilermaker wrote:Iceman/John
The article relating to the stripping of an MZ 1000 motor was actually posted on the Faber-MZ site about 2 years ago. It also appeared in one of the German motorcycle mags, Wuppervalley may be able to help you out with this.

George,thanks for that reply,it was a while ago I read it and wanted to make sure I wasn't thinking about a different bike.
I was going to post it for Scott to read so he could see how well built the motor was made.I'll try a little later.I have to take my nephew to another appointment.
Man,I do a lot of running around now that Chadd came to live with me.Can't imagine two or three. :shock:
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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby boilermaker » Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:28 am

Or five?
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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby scott964 » Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:30 pm

Is Dr. Duc out west? There was a guy I was talking to right after getting the PS that I was whining about the riding position.... and almost all my bikes have clip ons... but the PS... you lean forward to where you think the bar should be, and then lean down about 5 inches more... it was a rack at slow speeds.... over 70 great. Anyway while whining about this on the Sport Classic forum, a back Doc piped up with a way to bring the handle bars up... required moving/swapping brake components, removing the spacer on the clip ons.. just remember him asking me how old I was... and I'm 45, an ex cop, former pro what I thought was in pretty good shape and getting a reply that he was over 55 and rode every day to his practice over an hour one way, but if I was interested, he was a back doc and could possibly help me. I stopped whining... :oops:

No, the fairing on the PS does not seem to effect anything... it's wide open in the front, if anything it might be forcing air in closer to the engine. Great bike, pulls like a tractor and I can really surprise the kids on the liter jap bikes.... it accelerates so hard out of corners and corners so well.... it just leaves them behind.

It's a 1985.
I bought the Vmax in 1995 from a guy that put 1000 miles on it and scared himself out of riding it, It was in great shape, except that the owner liked the '94 version where they had painted half the scoops and side covers to match the body paint.
That was the start of the changes.... powder coating the scoops, grab rail and side covers..........
And then I found the V-Max owners group.... which is basically a group of guys that are more than willing to help you add things to make a fast bike faster and look better.... and they have contacts all over the world, so I had parts from MEK in Germany, Over Racing from Japan, ACT from Switzerland, Custom 4-1-2 exhaust from PCW in the USA.... probably close to 15k in that bike over the years which includes things that I did and then scrapped and re-did. Paint was by Mike of Killer Paint.
Lesson there was to get things done BEFORE the painter goes on TV with Jesse James as his go to paint guy... prices escalate pretty fast from that point forward. Which is good for Mike... great guy, very talented, not so good for my wallet... should not have waited a year to get it done would have saved half. But the job was great.. and never regretted having him do the work... never ending compliments on that bike from sport and Harley riders.

Great bikes..... where were those shots taken?
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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby GED » Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:38 pm

iceman wrote:
boilermaker wrote:Iceman/John
The article relating to the stripping of an MZ 1000 motor was actually posted on the Faber-MZ site about 2 years ago. It also appeared in one of the German motorcycle mags, Wuppervalley may be able to help you out with this.

George,thanks for that reply,it was a while ago I read it and wanted to make sure I wasn't thinking about a different bike.
I was going to post it for Scott to read so he could see how well built the motor was made.I'll try a little later.I have to take my nephew to another appointment.
Man,I do a lot of running around now that Chadd came to live with me.Can't imagine two or three. :shock:

i for one ,would really like to see this article ,sounds like a good read :D
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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby iceman » Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:43 pm

scott964 wrote:Has to be the same guy toy are thinking about, the Florida bike was listed by a Ebay user of Stinkfeet, it did not sell, and I did not see any bidding.
To bad as it looked like a well kept bike, just higher mileage than I was looking for... but it started me down the road looking for a 1000S.


Scott,looks like you're set !! ... _1000s.htm ... 1000S.aspx

I was looking online for that motor tear down article and came across this from our own Boilermaker,George from 2007 :D
boilermaker's Review of MZ 1000S Sports Bike

25th Sep 2007

* See all reviews (2)
* Review 1 of 2
* Next

Overall Rating
5 stars

Value for money
5 stars
Length of ownership
1 Year
4.5 stars

Year Manufactured
Build quality
5 stars

Good Points

Build quality, handling, speed, ease of maintenance.

Bad Points

Seat hight, weight, gearing.

General Comments

Very well made machine in German tradition of engineering.
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Re: MZ Faber?

Postby IlPrincipeBrutto » Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:03 am


OSPRNG wrote:by the way, 2nd pic. is that a normal sidestand lean angle for the 1000?
it looks radical enough to topple over with some strong wind, or a clumsy by-walker

Don't know if it's still relevant for you, but yes, that's the normal sidestand lean angle. It really is that short, which means parallel parking the bike requires a lot more space that you might think. It also makes picking up the bike a bit more difficult when you start again from a rest, or simply from a petrol station.
Sometimes, when I find myself on one of those narrow country lanes that make the English countryside so beautiful, I park the bike on the right, which means on the "wrong" side of the road. In that way, the crown of the road enables me to gain enough height under the sidestand that the bike assumes a more civilised angle.
On the other hand, if I parked on the left, the road would drop away from under the sidestand, leaving the bike almost horizontal.

The bike is stable anyway, it weighs so much that in order to topple you would need to deadlift it from the other side.

Enjoy your new steed, I'm sure it will bring you lots and lots of smiles.

Ride Safe,
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