Rolling Skorpion Sport chassis for sale

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Rolling Skorpion Sport chassis for sale

Postby marcdanziger » Wed Nov 10, 2004 7:27 pm

Rolling chassis, wheels, gas tank for sale in Los Angeles. Have title (it was a racebike; I bought it for parts for my and my wife's Skorpions)

$350.00 firm
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Postby oldbeginner » Thu Nov 11, 2004 12:01 am

How stright is everything? any frame or wheel damage?
drop me an email at bmwpilot2004 at aol dot com
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Postby marcdanziger » Thu Nov 11, 2004 12:07 am

All straight and useable. Some scrapes on the tank and fork sliders, but the wheels are in great shape. I'll get some pix and email them to you.

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Postby hulagun » Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:28 pm

hey do you racers know if a Skorpion black box will work on a Black Panther? If so has anyone got a good spare for sale or loan? I want to have mine modded to raise rev limit 500-1000rpm or so, but don't want my bike parked for 2-3 weeks while I wait. It's my daily ride.

Unless you think this is a terrible idea on a stock motor.

2001 MZ Black Panther
1978 Ducati 900SS cafe racer
1972 Triumph 500 flat track racer
1969 Triumph Bonneville 650
1967 Motobi 125 Imperiale Sport
1966 Honda CB160 F160 racer
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Postby gedge » Fri Nov 12, 2004 4:27 am

I dont know about the scorpion box, but the CDI off a Yamaha TDM 850 does and it has apparrently got NO rev limiter... bit dangerous I supose but if you are careful...should be okay :D
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Postby RichBeBe » Fri Nov 12, 2004 5:27 pm

I won a TDM850 amd I can confirm it does not have a rev-limier installed. I have put an aftermarket limiter in my TDM as I have done a bit of motorwork and it likes to scream, but I want to keep it together. If I put one in an MZ I would add a rev-limiter.
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rolling frame

Postby fraser » Thu Jul 14, 2005 5:23 am

any chance you may still have it,or know where one may be. wish to build a supermono. thanks regards.
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