SAXON TOUR gearing

ETZ(including Kanuni), ETS, ES, TS, IFA-RT, BK, Saxon,

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65

SAXON TOUR gearing

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sun Dec 28, 2003 9:27 pm

i have a saxon tour 1995 model rotax 500cc motor
it came with a 18 tooth engine sprocket
in slow town traffic it was way to tall gearing
i went to a 17 tooth and it was much better but is still
a bit tall but i use it for touring
if your use is town and roads posted 60 or less
a 16 tooth may be even better
has engine parts sprockets and even hop up

Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
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"I like the road less traveled if it's PAVED!"
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