baghira fuses ?

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baghira fuses ?

Postby mr-brightside » Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:45 pm

my baggie sudenly came to a stop yesterday it blew the main fuse for some reason? it was raining realy heavy so im not sure if that would of blew it, could anybody tell me what amp fuse i should have as there was a 15amp in there. does that sound about right?
my indicator fuse also went last week is there somthing about the baggie and fuses that i should know :? . :smt006
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Re: baghira fuses ?

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:29 am

if they were the original they may just go on there own
and i have noticed the quality of fuses is down
also learn what relay 19 does and about it it is the safety relay and it controls power to the whole bike
with the kickstand and handlebar kill button

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