1000 post cat

News and Gossip on the upcoming MZ 1000S.

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1000 post cat

Postby boilermaker » Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:50 pm

To all
Well, bike fully re-assembled, still running rough at idle, kept cutting out with loud "Phuttt" sound. Suspected loose plug, checked and renewed both plugs, still at a loss until young neighbour (BMW F650) observed source of sound as "somewhere under the airbox" lifted airbox carefully to find vacuum hose from airbox valve to induction stub badly perished and split, replaced. Another vacuum hose alongside it going across to the other induction stub also perished, replaced. Result: bike now running sweet as a nut, sounding good, and going as my old friend Elvis LeBeau of Baton Rouge would say "like a racoon with its ass on fire!". These hoses are on the right hand side of the engine as viewed from the seating position and run from the airbox to the respective inlet stubs. The hose used by the factory is a relatively thin wall 1.5mm or one eighths thick and internally wire wound. You will need to find something similar for replacement because fitting is a little tight in places. As you probably know the wire binding prevents collapse under vacuum. All in all a worthwile exercise as the engine seems to be breathing a lot better and the exhaust is running cooler. Replacing the oxygen sensor is another thing that I would reccommend, (if you have around 30k mileage) but when you order one verify the length of cable to connector that will be supplied.
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Re: 1000 post cat

Postby iceman » Wed Jul 15, 2009 5:53 pm

Thanks,good to know about those vacuum lines.Keep those tips coming :D ...

If/when I have issues I'll be picking your brain.
You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate.
John Lennon
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