
News and Gossip on the upcoming MZ 1000S.

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Postby boilermaker » Mon May 12, 2008 3:36 pm

To all
I saw a black/orange 1000sf with a Devon registration (WA) , at the recent Paignton bike week-end. Does anyone know who it belongs to?
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Re: 1000sf

Postby iceman » Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:11 pm

I wish it was mine... :D :D :D
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Re: 1000sf

Postby iceman » Sat Jun 13, 2009 6:55 pm

Well,not as I've picked it up yet but I just bought <EBAY>which is why I'M still a little Leary until I get my hands on it .

THE ONLY 2005 MZ 1000 SF in the USA !!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

7,500 miles and I just got plane tickets to go 2,000 miles to pick it up and it has the optional bags and came into the USA from a guy that bought it new in Germany where he was stationed.
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Re: 1000sf

Postby boilermaker » Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:24 pm

Good luck with your journey. If you can obtain a spare pencil coil before you set out then that should be your only worry. Oh and check for loose engine casing screws etc .
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Re: 1000sf

Postby tomtom » Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:46 pm

Have a good journey, it goes like sh*t off a shovel.
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Re: 1000sf

Postby Nozz » Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:24 am

Do you mind if I ask about the outcome of the 1000SF sale? I think I saw this bike on Ebay last week in Texas. It did not meet minimum, and I am considering it as well as a different MZ. Thanks in advance.
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Re: 1000sf

Postby iceman » Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:08 pm

The reserve was not met,I was the high bidder at $3050.00 after the auction I sent the seller a message that he could send me a buy it now.

Which he did and I accepted.I looked at what he purchased lately through ebay and it was a bunch of carbon fiber parts for a Ducati 1098 :-D :-D
You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate.
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Re: 1000sf

Postby iceman » Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:19 pm

boilermaker wrote:Iceman
Good luck with your journey. If you can obtain a spare pencil coil before you set out then that should be your only worry. Oh and check for loose engine casing screws etc .

Thanks for the tips George
tomtom wrote:Have a good journey, it goes like sh*t off a shovel.

Thanks TT,Taking my 13 year old nephew <he doesn't know yet > It should be an adventure.A hot one as Texas right now is like Italy in August HOT
I will take lots of pictures and post later.
You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate.
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Re: 1000sf

Postby iceman » Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:19 pm

Here is the paint on the bike I"M getting.

You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate.
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Re: 1000sf

Postby Nozz » Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:07 pm

That's a great move. Enjoy it! I was very tempted by this listing.

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Re: 1000sf

Postby boilermaker » Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:48 am

Your comment on the temperatures in the "Lone Star State" this time of year prompts me to warn you that the cooling system on these machines would seem to have been designed for a Northern European summer and was filled at the factory with 100% coolant solution. The engine seems to run quite warm even in a British summer!. The saving grace is that the radiator has TWO cooling fans. Y ou should be fine whilst underway but stay away from congested city centres. I do not know which state you live in but if you are travelling North I would monitor the running temperature until you are North of the Mason-Dixon line. You will have no problems in more temperate regions.
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Re: 1000sf

Postby boilermaker » Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:50 am

Sorry for my ignorance, just noticed you live in Vermont! no problems there in summer then!
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Re: 1000sf

Postby boilermaker » Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:33 am

Well iceman have you collected your machine yet?
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Re: 1000sf

Postby iceman » Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:34 am

Yes,in Tennessee now and I love the bike still have 1000 miles to go check it out here.

http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthre ... st10168364
You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate.
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Re: 1000sf

Postby IlPrincipeBrutto » Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:29 pm


I've just finished reading your thread on advrider. What you are doing is just great, and very uplifting. I'm sure your nephew will thank you for the rest of his life.
And you are going through some very beautiful places. As an Italian, born in a city where buildings are built one on top of the other (literally!) the scale of landscapes in the States never ceases to enthrall me.
Did you go through the Cheroala Skyway ? that road, and the nearby Tail of the Dragon, are two of my dream roads. I really hope one day to be able to ride them.
Keep the posts coming, good luck for the rest of your journey.

Ride Safe,
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