Considering purchase of 1000 or 660...

News and Gossip on the upcoming MZ 1000S.

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Considering purchase of 1000 or 660...

Postby Nozz » Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:04 am


I have been the happy owner of a pair of older Rotax 500 powered MZ Silver Stars for the past 6 years or so, and am seriously considering either a Scorpion or a 1000S. My question for you all is regarding parts availability/reliability consideration for the decision. I like the idea of the 1000 for all kinds of reasons, but have a bit of concern about parts, etc., since the factory status is a bit murky. I don't worry as much about that with a Scorpion, as Yamaha motor parts should not be a problem. Any comments or advice is appreciated. Thanks!
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Re: Considering purchase of 1000 or 660...

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:22 am

i go to arkansas next week to get a 660 travller ----but i think i will pass on the 1000s nice bike
but motor parts ?? and electrical i can build a box to run the motor but do not want the hassel
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: Considering purchase of 1000 or 660...

Postby GED » Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:19 pm

ive not had a issue with parts so far for my sf ,ok i live in the uk ,but grahams where i buy my parts ,post worldwide ,
the internet as surely shrunk the world ,i bought most of my guzzi bits from the states so much cheaper :D
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Re: Considering purchase of 1000 or 660...

Postby Nozz » Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:44 am

OK, thanks for the update. I think others may be a bit hesitant for the same reason I am. As long as parts will continue to be available, even if overseas, then I'd still consider. I appreciate your comments. Anyone stateside have an opinion on parts availability for the 1000s?
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Re: Considering purchase of 1000 or 660...

Postby LWS66 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:50 pm

Parts really are'nt an issue, most likely you won't need any, other than the usual consumables like oil filters, sprockets, chain, plugs, brake pads...all of which you can source quite easily as they are interchangable with many other makes, which has been discussed often on this forum. And if, god forbid, you have a problem and do need to order hard parts, there are plenty of options for sources. Only issue I see is "service"......Either you are handy/adept at wrenching and improvising or you'll have to find someone who is, to do the service. They really are'nt bikes for the strictly "I have the dealer do everything" types. Most here in the states probably don't even have the diagnostic tool, let alone have ever wrenched on one. They are at least better than owning a new Benelli though!! I've been following that forum for awhile as I fancy one some day, but even I have my limitations! :shock:
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Re: Considering purchase of 1000 or 660...

Postby iceman » Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:17 pm

I was surprised to read here that the UK only has like 10 1000's or was that and old thread cause there were between 40 and 50 imported to the the states.
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Re: Considering purchase of 1000 or 660...

Postby boilermaker » Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:51 am

Given that there were three models (1000s/st/sf)imported I would say that the total was more like 20 machines in the UK . LWS is quite right re the availability of pattern consumables like oil filters .sprockets. brake pads etc. The only thing that you may have a problem with would be a major engine item such as a crank or some of the electronics, although having said that, the SAGEM 1000 ECU fitted to the machine also went in to a few Harley models as well as Triumphs and at least one Aprilia model. I also think that we have not heard the last of the MZ company.
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Re: Considering purchase of 1000 or 660...

Postby iceman » Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:55 am

boilermaker wrote:iceman
Given that there were three models (1000s/st/sf)imported I would say that the total was more like 20 machines in the UK . LWS is quite right re the availability of pattern consumables like oil filters .sprockets. brake pads etc. The only thing that you may have a problem with would be a major engine item such as a crank or some of the electronics, although having said that, the SAGEM 1000 ECU fitted to the machine also went in to a few Harley models as well as Triumphs and at least one Aprilia model. I also think that we have not heard the last of the MZ company.

Thanks Boilermaker,over here I think all the imports were just the S model.Am I right thinking I read that the owners <Malaysian>didn't let go the rights to the 1000 and are they still produced today ? or what was the last model year 07?? So assuming 20 in UK and 50 in US,what do you think the worldwide numbers are if you had to guess altogether between all models 200/300 Thanks..John ps the Sagem is the ECU in my Aprilia Futura and they also put it in the Caponord
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Re: Considering purchase of 1000 or 660...

Postby boilermaker » Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:11 pm

I heard (via Ian at Grahams M/Cs) that the spares are still good (as per EU legal requirements) and that a local machinery manufacturer in Saxony was in serious discussion with the Malaysian owners for the 1000 licence. I may be going down to Wiemar/zschopau later in the year to see some old friends again so I will go over to the factory/spares store for a nose around. A rather frustrating aspect of the whole thing is that there is a big after market company in Germany that deals with a lot of european customers but do not seem to publish a price list in English (despite having an English employee) This is of course their right but I feel it is a bit short sighted business wise.
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