97 660 tour/traveller

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65, Brian

97 660 tour/traveller

Postby SkyDrifters » Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:36 pm

Hi All,

I have a 660 traveler available in Nor-Cal. The bike has no damage to anything and ran fantastic up until the output shaft seal failed and it tried to kill me by blowing oil all over the rear tire. I am tired of vehicles with "personality". My loss can be your gain.

It runs great but needs the output shaft seal installed. I have one on hand, ready to be installed. I simply do not have the time (or place) to tinker any longer and just want it gone.

I am sending the bodywork out to paint this week and it will come back perfect! I had all the stress fractures and a couple of misc. cracks re-glassed. Make an offer quickly and you can pick the color! I have the hard bags also. It needs, a mirror and a new windscreen. My bad on the windscreen as It was fine until I stepped on it....................................................

I would prefer not to part it out but will consider selling all of the bodywork separate and selling the bike in parts if I get the right offers. Registration and title is clean and clear, registered non-op.

Please don't send request asking for parts that will render the bike inoperable unless you have a $500.00 parts list. I need to recover about 1,400 to make this worth dealing with. Any less and it won't be worth my time.

Thanks and have a great holiday!
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Joined: Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:58 pm

Re: 97 660 tour/traveller

Postby SkyDrifters » Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:54 am

Damn it! I just drug the bike inside the house and have the new output seal already installed. The weather here is awful but since I don't work when it rains and snows........ It seems I will get it torn down, cleaned and detailed in all kinds of obsessive compulsive manners. All of which will undoubtedly require complete removal.

Freaking thing, made it in the house......................... ARRRGH! I shoulda pushed it off a cliff.

If I get it finished in the next month I will have fun messing with the rice rockets on our local roads before I sell it off :twisted:

So anyone know where to get a windscreen?
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:58 pm

Re: 97 660 tour/traveller

Postby hb7 » Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:49 am

I believe Rider Dan's old bike had over 100K+ miles on it.....
Output shaft seal was damaged when the chain broke.
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