Parting out a Baghira SM

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Parting out a Baghira SM

Postby hulagun » Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:03 pm

My Black Panther Super Moto was stolen last week. I recovered it quickly thanks to some cool cops (no insurance involved) but the thieves scratched it up and effed up the ignition. They didnt even ride it... hahahaa. Just pushed it a mile up a hill and kind of hid it. The cops spotted it and knew who it belonged to...

If I can't get a replacement ignition, it occurred to me that there are lots of folks here seeking parts. I could part the bike out. I hate to part out my beloved MZ :cry: but it beats it sitting idle in my garage waiting for an ignition switch, and new paint work that may never happen. Parting it could help out some folks and net me enough cash to go put a down payment on a replacement.

IM me if you need any parts. If I get enuff real interest, I'll consider it. OR If you have any gloss black bodywork in great shape or a good ignition switch with key to sell, let me know by IM. That way I'll respond quickly.

If you want to flame me, just reply here for everyone's amusement.... :-D I probably won't see it for a long time.
2001 MZ Black Panther
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Re: Parting out a Baghira SM

Postby MSW » Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:59 pm

Aw, hulagun, that sucks! Glad you got your bike back, but there HAS to be a way to get a replacement ignition quickly and cheaply. Have you talked to Mike or Tony at SF Moto? I'm sure you have.

I REALLY hope you don't part your bike out. There aren't too many of our Baggies left in the Bay Area. We have to do everything we can to keep them on the road!

That said, if you do decide to part it out, I've got dibs on your CDI box!
2005 Black Panther

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Re: Parting out a Baghira SM

Postby amahoser » Wed Aug 27, 2008 12:56 pm

The ignition switch is the same as my 99 BMW F650. So you could get one from a BMW Dealer. Look on the Baghira Parts interchange thread there are other bikes that have the same ignition. If you do part it out, I'd be interested in a few items... I'll even take the scratched up bodywork.

Jose Soriano
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Re: Parting out a Baghira SM

Postby hulagun » Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:49 pm

Hi guys-

Thanks to some MZ owners that are smarter than me, I think I have a line on a used replacement switch off another brand.

So you vultures can stop circling!! :-D

Can anyone tell me what the 5 wires (thieves cut them) coming out of my headlight are each for (were going to the switch?) Will save me lots of trial-and-error fooling around.


PS - SF MOTO rocks but Mike couldnt get me a new switch from MZ for some reason...
2001 MZ Black Panther
1978 Ducati 900SS cafe racer
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Re: Parting out a Baghira SM

Postby MSW » Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:44 pm

Near as I can tell from the wiring diagram, the 5 wires that come out of the ignition switch don't go directly to the headlight. Rather, they connect to a "Wire Ignition Lock" which is probably housed near the headlight. Here is where the wiring diagram says they go:

1. brown/white ---> terminates at the "Wire Ignition Lock"

2. brown ---> terminates at the "Wire Ignition Lock"

3. red ---> fusebox

4. red/black (could be red/white; my diagram's a little fuzzy) ---> fusebox

5. green ---> headlight/left hand switchgear

DISCLAIMER: I don't read German, even when it comes to following straight lines drawn on a wiring diagram.

Good luck!
2005 Black Panther

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Re: Parting out a Baghira SM

Postby hulagun » Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:03 pm

MSW wrote:Near as I can tell from the wiring diagram, the 5 wires that come out of the ignition switch don't go directly to the headlight. Rather, they connect to a "Wire Ignition Lock" which is probably housed near the headlight. Here is where the wiring diagram says they go:

1. brown/white ---> terminates at the "Wire Ignition Lock"

2. brown ---> terminates at the "Wire Ignition Lock"

3. red ---> fusebox

4. red/black (could be red/white; my diagram's a little fuzzy) ---> fusebox

5. green ---> headlight/left hand switchgear

DISCLAIMER: I don't read German, even when it comes to following straight lines drawn on a wiring diagram.

Good luck!

Thank you, MSW!

My first guess is (since you say it terminates) "wire ignition lock" is possibly just describing the plug itself that connects the ignition switch pigtail to the rest of the harness?

I'll take a closer look. The colors you describe sound exactly like the 5 bare wires that are hanging near where the missing bottom half of my ignition switch used to be. They all go into the same shrink wrap tube... I didnt follow where it goes but IIRC it ran up under the headlight.

Meanwhile, I'm going to remove as much as I can and then go visit my local Buell dealer.
2001 MZ Black Panther
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Re: Parting out a Baghira SM

Postby el-mar » Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:35 pm

by the way there is one for sale on ebay
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Re: Parting out a Baghira SM

Postby hulagun » Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:57 pm

el-mar wrote:by the way there is one for sale on ebay

Thanks, there were a few this week!
Most sellers are asking silly prices for a used ignition with no key or a worn out key. Silly. A new one is only about $80.

I just scored a clean used one off a Guzzi for 26 bucks. It looks like an exact fit, and has what looks like a decent original key. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.
2001 MZ Black Panther
1978 Ducati 900SS cafe racer
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Re: Parting out a Baghira SM

Postby Bagiraboy68 » Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:49 pm

I need carbs please let me know if you have. I want plastics also whatch got?
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Re: Parting out a Baghira SM - NOT

Postby hulagun » Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:14 am

My Black Panther is running well again with assistance from a couple of List members. It will not be parted out. What was I thinking?

Thanks! :)

I'm looking for a nice black fairing and a nice black rear fender myself.
2001 MZ Black Panther
1978 Ducati 900SS cafe racer
1972 Triumph 500 flat track racer
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