
News and Gossip on the upcoming MZ 1000S.

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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby cam » Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:50 am

Hi J2T - I note with interest that you say that you are having the latest fuel map programmed in. Is this an official release/recommendation from MZ or is it from Tuneboy? More to the point - can anyone get hold of it? Do they say why it's needed - tell us more :-D
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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby tomtom » Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:22 am

Seemingly the earlier models say built initially but not registered till later may have the older fuel map.
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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby johnny2tents » Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:34 pm

Hi Cam,

It's an MZ map, will get Version No and dates etc. Ian at Grahams got involved a bit but the CD? came from MZ to Manchester direct.

I guess the bike is probably 'old' (haven't taken the chassis number details yet) even though it has a 57 reg. It's got 257 miles on clock, so I'll be doing a bit of 'old fart' type running in! I guess circa 4000 rpm will be fast enough in the wet!
Pick up on Saturday and the weather forecast says it will be crap!
Cheers J2T
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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby cam » Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:07 pm

Hey J2T - did you pick up the bike on Saturday? :?:
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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby johnny2tents » Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:39 pm

Hi Cam,

Certainly did and rode it up to the Cat and Fiddle, did about 100 miles until the rain got serious.
Apparantly the map is the 'latest for the 1000ST' yes ST!
Now I'm still pussyfooting it around with 400 miles on it, but it will just about hold 2800 in top on the flat on the motorway.
Around town I find 30 in 3rd is 3000 which is 'comfortable' and acceleration is glitch free in first/second away from the lights. (I presume the gearing is standard.)
The steering and gearbox are superb, comments on the rest will follow. I have ordered some spare relays as a precaution and maybe a coil/pug cap assembly would be a good idea. (my dealer said they were the same/similar to those on the Benelli Tre.
Bad point is the 25 thou clearance between the hugger and the rear tyre! I see this has caused problems elsewhere and will require some spacers!
Cheers J2T
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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby cam » Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:22 am

Hi J2T - great news on buying bike :D . Spare coil a good idea or just seal it in place with a small amount of silicone gasket sealer. As long as water is kept out you should be fine. Very interesting news on new map. My mates ST came with a newer version of the hugger - which has plenty of clearance. I had to buy a carbon fiber look a like from R" Technic in Germany. The clearance on the original got less the further back the wheel was adjusted. It sounds like the gearing issues have been addressed on your bike. It will be interesting to hear what you think of the 7000rpm sweet spot when yours is run in. Have fun - good to have another owner out there :-D
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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby daytona992 » Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:16 pm

Hi All,
Well I finally collected my 1000s from Grahams last Wednesday and returned back to the IOM in torential rain so not a pleasant start, however the bike ran faultless. Today Sunday, just had a great ride out as it is the middle weekend for the Manx GP. Lots of bikes out in the sunshine for a change! Overall I am extremely pleased with the bike as the overall build quality and general dynamics are superb. I have owned(numerous mainstream brands) and still own a number of motorcycles (Bimota SB8, BMW R100R, Guzzi Daytona, KTM Duke) and feel the MZ is equal and in some areas superior to any. Dealing with Graham was also positve and glitch free even collecting the bike with a full tank of fuel, a first for me!

Regards Daytona 992
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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby johnny2tents » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:47 am

Also have SB8R !! and previously Guzzi Daytona Racing !! J2T
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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby daytona992 » Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:00 pm

Hi J2T,
Obviously a man of good taste. Very few Bimota SB8,s imported into UK, probably a similar number to the MZ 1000s. Mine is the RS version, phenominal machine but for handling I feel the MZ is slightly the more stable. Not bad considering my Bim cost almost three times more than my new 1000s!
Regards to all, Daytona 992.
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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby cam » Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:58 am

Hi guys - so that makes about 10 of us (known) spread out on all points of the compass! Can anyone think of an event coming up that we could travel to (North or South)? It would be daft not to take advantage of the fine weather we're having :shock: . On another note - its gone awfully quiet on the MZ take over front. Has anyone heard anything new? :|
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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby boilermaker » Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:44 pm

Will be at the factory in three weeks time. Will let you know. As for the weather, down here we have stopped asking if its going to rain today, and now ask at what time is it going to rain today.
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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby johnny2tents » Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:22 am

Hi Cam,

Will be going to the Stafford Show Oct 18/19. Perhaps we could put on a display of twins there next year?
Went to the MZ AGM/Rally at Bishop Auckland last weekend. Attendance about 70 with just one twin (John NE branch on a orange SF bought from Border Bikes)
Fred Rogers? of Winsford (a two stroke spares stockist who had spoken to the factory on Wednesday Sep 10) reported that there are five offers for the business on the table, and that four of these five were being taken seriously.
The outlook for spares in the short term seems encouraging with the European 10 year rule often quoted.
Just done the 500 mile oil/filter change on the 1000S. Pleased to find the absolute minimum of 'iron filings' on the sump plug magnet. The oil was quite dark though after just 500 miles and was obviously not the stuff I repaced it with. Whether this is carbon from combustion or the oil charing when hot remains to be seen. Nice to able to use the BMW K/R 1100 oil filter and removal tool. I have refilled with the purple! Silkolene 10W-50 Pro 4 Plus racing which made a nice hole in my pocket!
The MZ membership decided not the sponsor Mike Minns next year. The story is that the bike is not being raced at present and is to be used for spares. It is back at Border Bikes in Duns? That's all the chit chat I have heard.
Happy to attend a 'meet' anywhere between say Glasgow and Bristol. But I don't want to get SALT on the bike! Cheers J2T
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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby cam » Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:35 am

Hey guys - any one else fancy meeting J2T at the Stafford Show Oct 18/19? I'm sure myself and Zedhead will be able to make it - go on make a day of it :D
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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby cam » Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:05 am

Come on guys - no takers? Could be last good run before really 'orrible weather kicks in.
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Re: 1000S/ST/SF

Postby boilermaker » Mon Sep 22, 2008 4:30 pm

Will be out of the country on the 18 or I would come along
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