MZ TS 250

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Re: MZ TS 250

Postby bisphaman » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:51 am

Another link to 2-stroke spares. This company is in Germany. Website in English.

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Re: MZ TS 250

Postby fmartone » Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:32 am

Hello Bisphaman,

Thank you for sending me this site in English. This is where I buy my parts, it has been very hard because I use a Translator to find the parts. Is the Bing replica carburetor better than the BVF? Any one want to comment?

Have a good day.
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Re: MZ TS 250

Postby fmartone » Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:20 am

All of you that have sent replies to my fowling spark plug are the best. After having ridden the bike four times the plug remains a tan color. The plug would have fowled out by now and the engine would have quit on me. This is why I always carry a spare plug in the tool compartment. The problem was the seal at the bottom of the choke plunger. I am now going to follow up on the suggestion to clean all of the terminals on the electric charging system. The bike does not spit black oil all over the engine and I no longer have that plume of white smoke!
I do still have some issues. For one, I do not seem to have good power at low rpms. I can not go into forth gear until the bike is at 40 mph or the bike bogs down and starts losing speed. It will not accelerate in fourth below 40. Same with third gear below 30 mph, second below 20. Once the bike is over 40 it will accerate to 50 with no problem.
The other problem is I can't forget to shut off the turn signal or the bike loses power. Here in Florida it is the law that you have the front head light on at all times. I am going to see if cleaning all of the terminals of the charging system resolves this issue. I have heard that the old MZ bikes do not charge well at low speeds. I am also considering wiring in two batteries so that I have more Battery reserve at the lower speeds. I have a spare 6 volt battery.

Anyway, thank you to all that have replied to my post.

Best Regards, Frank
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Re: MZ TS 250

Postby manumensa » Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:34 am

Hello Frank:

My opinion Bing carburator better quality control than BVF. Bing mounted in the last 2 stroke MZ models.

Well, I don´t have personal experence. Cuban people tell me Bing 84 (for 250 and 300 cc. MZ models) work ok and very search (they haven´t free market). Tell me also motorcycle drink less fuel than BVF carburator and the only problem is the rapid wear of the float needle valve :!: :?:

I mounted last year a Bing 53 in my 125 and run ok, also mounted an aftermarket exhaust with more open silencer labyrinth and look like original exhaust. The engine have a bit more of energy but I don´t known percentage exhaust/carburator for this.

Un cordial saludo,
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Re: MZ TS 250

Postby fmartone » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:17 pm

Hola Manuel,

Muchas gracias por todo su ayuda. I am going out now for a long ride to try out the new fuel mix, Penzoil Synthetic 2 storke oil. I am seriously considering the Bing carb. It would seem that most of my problems have been the carburetor.

Fuel Cap
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Re: MZ TS 250

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:56 pm

for the fellow in Florida

they have a 12 volt system for your bike its not cheap but
nether is a new bike ... erview.php
above is link inside the site
for all kinds of old bikes

the mz page
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Re: MZ TS 250

Postby TS2Fifty » Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:47 am

It does sound like the electrical system could benefit from a clean up. If it's any help, I tend to use my headlight all the time & after about an hour at town speeds the bike tends to stall if I switch the indicators on so I can vouch for the weak low-speed charging (even with the rest of the system in tip-top shape & using a long life gel battery from a toy motorbike!)

As for low speed torque, you're not going to get an awful lot better than what you describe I would say. I have a 4-speed lump in my bike & it prefers being in the 5000-7000rpm range, much below 4k & I need to change down to accelerate reasonably well. Possibly yours will get better as the motor loosens up, after all it is barely run in yet.
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Re: MZ TS 250

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:36 am

if there is a parking lamp bulb in the head lamp wire it up to come on with the coil
and just turn on head lamp at night
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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