Malaysian - MZ 125SM

SM, SX, RT, FunX, and models re-branded as ATK in U.S.

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65

Re: Malaysian - MZ 125SM

Postby antichrist » Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:28 am

i'm having a MZ sm125 scrambler, 4 year old, i have quite a long time(approx 1 month) never start my bike,
now i cant start it, i've brought a foreman to checked it, i was told the one-way bearing need to replace,
but the ori manufacturer have no stock at the moment, probably discontinue produce.

any1 have stock of one-way bearing for MZ SM125?
need urgently..pls help me out urgently...PM me
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Malaysian - MZ 125SM/SX - Locking Fuel Cap And Spare Part

Postby malayabird » Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:16 pm


Finally MZ factory is will open back with new model and more powerful in Shah Alam..!!!!

To all MZ 125SM/SX owner around the planet,
now you can replace the original fuel cap (none locking cap) to locking cap
and you don't have to worry about stealing motor bike fuel or putting
water, sand or salt in to the fuel tank. :cry: :oops: :roll: :smt005 ;-)

I used it now and thank's to Aserbic for giving me
good day and sweet dream at night also happy parking :lol:
:-D :smt007 8) :P

Brand: Acerbis
Item: Small Loking Cap
Product Number: 0001119

Price: RM120.00

Can Get At : GENTALI Kuala Lumpur Malaysia (,my) +6-03-40428555

Link: http:
:arrow: ... 484&cat=19 :idea:

For MZ spare part in Malaysia please call : +6-012-618-8208 David

To All MZ Pilot

Do we organize gendering day for all MZ riders.
Don’t care model or type.
[/size] :lol:

Bye - Sky Man. :smt004
MZ 125 SM
MZ125SMSupermotardNoir-xl.jpg (55.73 KiB) Viewed 8236 times
Small Loking Cap 0001119
1224.jpg (6.42 KiB) Viewed 8252 times
Last edited by malayabird on Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:33 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Malaysian - MZ 125SM

Postby malayabird » Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:18 pm

Kim you can Get it at Ah Hong Jalan sentul Kuala Lumpur!!!
Last edited by malayabird on Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Malaysian - MZ 125SM

Postby kim » Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:30 am

malayabird wrote:Get it at Ah Hong Jalan sentul Kuala Lumpur!!!

Hi bird....thks 4da sharing

btw,...would u mind lettin us know abt d price,...tq again
The fun of using MZ125SM is that u can get away in the traffic (provided your bike is manage to slot in those narrow lanes),
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Re: Malaysian - MZ 125SM

Postby malayabird » Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:21 am

kim wrote:
malayabird wrote:Get it at Ah Hong Jalan sentul Kuala Lumpur!!!

Hi bird....thks 4da sharing

btw,...would u mind lettin us know abt d price,...tq again

What price you want?
For your bike problem, better you send your bike to that shop they will do some small modification to the bike.
And will run good.

Now I painting my bike handle bar, rear bar and engine guard to white yellow and fork protector to black is a bit costly but look very nice after the painting. Because I matching with my black MZ 125 SM.
I also change my exhaust system to more powerful is cost around RM150.00++

Sky Man. :smt004
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Re: Malaysian - MZ 125SM

Postby malayabird » Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:15 am


do you know whare can i get singnal light left and right for MZ 125 SM?

thank you...

sky man.
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Re: Malaysian - MZ 125SM

Postby DirtGrinder666 » Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:53 pm

You can use any type of rear or front signal set ... for my bike.. i'm using the transparent signal cover from MZ mosqito and it looks much more nicer.. some of my friend is using the Yamaha RXZ catalyzer signal cover and some are using BMW side signal (which cost them rm 500!) and some also using Proton Gen2 side signal cover.. :D actually we can fit anything to our bike except for some rare engine parts!

regarding the exhaust system.. now im using back the standard muffler.. previously i'd use HeavyDuty Endurance ,Super Trapp & AHM (very common la this one!) nothing much happened just it will increased your acceleration and make our small bike sounds like it having 250cc engine.. :smt006

bout the locking cap.. I did not prefer to use that one due to it does not support the overflow tube.. but some of my friends use it alrdy since 3 years ago.. :wink: anyway in terms of safety while parking in a non-secured area it might be a bit handy ...
-STOCKBIKERS if you know what i mean-
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Re: Malaysian - MZ 125SM

Postby malayabird » Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:22 pm

DirtGrinder666 wrote:You can use any type of rear or front signal set ... for my bike.. i'm using the transparent signal cover from MZ mosqito and it looks much more nicer.. some of my friend is using the Yamaha RXZ catalyzer signal cover and some are using BMW side signal (which cost them rm 500!) and some also using Proton Gen2 side signal cover.. :D actually we can fit anything to our bike except for some rare engine parts!

regarding the exhaust system.. now im using back the standard muffler.. previously i'd use HeavyDuty Endurance ,Super Trapp & AHM (very common la this one!) nothing much happened just it will increased your acceleration and make our small bike sounds like it having 250cc engine.. :smt006

bout the locking cap.. I did not prefer to use that one due to it does not support the overflow tube.. but some of my friends use it alrdy since 3 years ago.. :wink: anyway in terms of safety while parking in a non-secured area it might be a bit handy ...

I look for original signal light set for MZ 125 SM and rear mud guard and I also buying if any one have second hand unit.
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Re: Malaysian - MZ 125SM

Postby malayabird » Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:45 pm

figure8 wrote:hi guy.... need some info.....
i had some problem while riding suddenly the engine stop ... any one know why....

Go to Ah Hong jalan Sentul they know what to do
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MZ 125 SM for Sale

Postby adib » Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:11 am

Hi guys, I have a MZ 125 SM for sale. I have been using the bike for almost 3 years. The bike is in a good condition and I have recently spend around RM 3000.00 on its engine and some other parts. ( I still have the receipts). You might ask why am I selling this bike? Well I am a foreign student in Malaysia and this semester is the last sem of my studies here, so I'm selling the bike since i'm going back to my country.
Currently the bike is in Serdang area and still i'm using it.

The price is : RM 5500.00 only by cash. If you are intrested plz give a ring at 012-241 88 69-----Adib
Note: I'm giving a free MHR helmet on the bike worth RM 200.00

Make & Type of Motorad : MZ 125SM
Color : Black
Cubic Capacity : 125cc
Year of Manufacture : 2005
Date of Purchase : 08/2005
Road Tax Expired : 25/01/2009
Mileage : 15500 km
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Re: Malaysian - MZ 125SM

Postby kam » Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:29 am

Hello guys,

My 5-year old 125SM finally had electrical problem. Engine cannot start at all due to no electrical spark at the spark plug. Identified problem is the CDI. But, where can I buy it in KL. Can i find it in Sentul? How much it cost? Anyone knows if other CDI also can fit in? Or anyone selling 2nd hand CDI? Hope someone out there can help me on this. Thanks!

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Re: Malaysian - MZ 125SM

Postby sputera » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:35 am

Well.... i think its a CDI problem...

you can contact this guy, 012 642 2346 (Jayxz). He faced the same problem.

You can ask him where he bought his CDI.
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Re: Malaysian - MZ 125SM

Postby malayabird » Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:27 am

kim wrote:To be frank,'s very hard to detect if thats d situation,..probably d previous owner knows it & he didn't share with u.
So far i haven't encounter any MZ riders with these issues(those so far i come across)..... long u own d bike? these issues appear oly frequent it "die-off", long does it need to be re-start again,...does ur engine creating a very loud noise,...when u let d engine idle,wil it die off?

Since u also didn't understand ths bike well,...d oly stuff u can do is to "catching" it slowly one by one to start it up with d plug cabling,...the plug coil,...d wiring systems,...ignition system,....the CDI..& many more.Therefore more time & $$$ required to resolve d issue.

[color=#FFBFFF]To share with u,...mine previously were hard to start(like cranking it at least 10 to 15 second)...i change d battery(cos it oredy 1 yrs 2mth & can't charge fully),...service & change d carbon of starter coil,...i even relocate the existing rectifier location from below the air-box to fix it below the seat now & even running an earthing to the chassis cos MZ originally don't hv it....Even my regular visit mechanic,he also didn't ntice MZ recitfier were place below d air-box & without earthing connections...I even made a call to MZ Shah Alam to clarify these matter & he confirm it.[/color]

You can contact me if u think u wanna talk about these matter,but no promise i can settle it :- 012-2138227(kim)

I having problem my battery loosing power for my MZ125SM, Do you have any ideal that I can replace my rectifier with other bike part because don’t have stock for new rectifier. Or possible for me to get second hand rectifier. :oops:
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Re: Malaysian - MZ 125SM

Postby malayabird » Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:42 am

antichrist wrote:i'm having a MZ sm125 scrambler, 4 year old, i have quite a long time(approx 1 month) never start my bike,
now i cant start it, i've brought a foreman to checked it, i was told the one-way bearing need to replace,
but the ori manufacturer have no stock at the moment, probably discontinue produce.

any1 have stock of one-way bearing for MZ SM125?
need urgently..pls help me out urgently...PM me

You try to call this number

0126188208 - David - MZ Malaysia
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Re: Malaysian - MZ 125SM

Postby malayabird » Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:56 pm

antichrist wrote:i'm having a MZ sm125 scrambler, 4 year old, i have quite a long time(approx 1 month) never start my bike,
now i cant start it, i've brought a foreman to checked it, i was told the one-way bearing need to replace,
but the ori manufacturer have no stock at the moment, probably discontinue produce.

any1 have stock of one-way bearing for MZ SM125?
need urgently..pls help me out urgently...PM me

MZ 125 SM is not scrambler but Super motard

Thank You. :twisted:
Sky Man.
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