oil weight in a 660 baghira

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oil weight in a 660 baghira

Postby ntula » Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:32 am

oil weight in a 660 baghira

okay, i did a search first and could not find this info, but i know it is here somewhere

i was wondering what weight of oil the manual calls for in the 660 baghira.

also, when i turn the key on, there is no oil light. normally on my other bikes, when i turn the key to on, the oil light is on
until the engine starts and then goes off. on the baghira i just bought, the oil light just stays off when i turn the key to the on, and as expected when
the engine is running, so it is always off. does the oil light only go on on this bike when the pressure is low.
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Re: oil weight in a 660 baghira

Postby MuzTruckstuff » Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:39 am

The Owners manual for a 1998 Baghira specifies the following:

SAE 20W40 Type SE for temperatures above 5C/40F
SAE 10W30 Type SE if temperatures do not rise above 15C/60F

I'd assume this info is good for any 660. Hope that helps.
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Re: oil weight in a 660 baghira

Postby TS2Fifty » Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:46 am

Regarding the oil light, it should be on with the engine stopped as (if you think about it) a stopped engine has no oil pressure. Possibly just the bulb but I've known the senders to fail on engines that have stood a while (most recently on a Triumph Dolomite Sprint & I was able to get it working again by soaking in petrol & tapping it on a bit of wood, don't poke anything in it's hole though - you wouldn't like it if it poked yours! :-D )

N.B. Unless it's a level light, in which case it's probably fine. No direct experience of baggy's or XT's
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Re: oil weight in a 660 baghira

Postby rodge70 » Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:37 pm

your not confusing the oil light with the high temp warning light.don't think they have oil light,well mine certainly doesnt.
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Re: oil weight in a 660 baghira

Postby ntula » Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:11 pm

^- you are probably right.. it is the red light with the icon on it that sort of looks like a dipstick, but now that i look at it.. it looks more
'like a thremometer.

makes sense.. since engine pretty much sits in the oil and it circulates by gravity and mechanical motion.. there really is not much pressure to guage..i mean.. the oil sits in a frame resevoir.

wish it had a fuel light on it at least..
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Re: oil weight in a 660 baghira

Postby Sue » Thu Jun 26, 2008 5:22 pm

No oil light on mine either LOL, just a temperature icon which has never lit up. Must adimt, a fuel light/guage wouldnt go amiss... been a bit spoilt with previous bikes, and while I'm here, a temperature guage would put my mind at rest.... engine gets really hot in slow moving traffic, would be nice to know if its overheating or not. :roll: one day I may find the time to find out what I can do about it. ;-)
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Re: oil weight in a 660 baghira

Postby rodge70 » Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:02 pm

@ sue,in theory any universal type temp gauge should do the job,may even work from oe sensor, would save having to cut into pipe as well.
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Re: oil weight in a 660 baghira

Postby kman.45 » Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:50 pm

Eeeee gad.. don't put any current 10W-30 oil in your bike. All current 30 weight and lighter oils labeled "energy conserving" have friction modifiers that will harm your clutch. The SE rating is OLD and way out of spec. Use 10W-40 and if you are unsure, it helps to find the JASO-MA rating, which is Japanese organization rating for wet clutch compatible. Any "bike-specific" oil should be fine.
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