Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65


Postby Wonkmeister » Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:26 am

OK my bike is up for sale but, always a but, it isn't all together. I will sell just the rolling chassis or the whole bike with the original engine(only done 1800 miles from new) all tuned and ready to be rebuilt but minus the carbs. Everything is there less the carbs. I haven't time to rebuild it and it's just in the way gathering dust. I MIGHT consider breaking it but would rather NOT. I have had some offers from people but no-ones shown up to look at it...probably because ALL the calls i've had are from waaaaaay up north, even further than Garf, or from Ireland! It will go or i will break it up and store it....any takers?

I know you might think i'm mad, but i really do need to clear some stuff out so i can build another project bike, i love and adore my bike and the build was an amzing experience that will never be forgotten but she needs a new home with some-one that will appreciate her. Remember this was a brand new 2003 Baghira that has only travelled 2500 miles from new. The motor has been gas-flowed and everything else that was on the test engine featured in the reviews. Grab a all know the spec and everything...doesn't get better than this! Please some-one give her a good home and enjoy her, i don't have the time or's not even so much about the money, just want some-one to enjoy this beauty! :-D
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Postby Wonkmeister » Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:49 am

OK, no takers so here goes....

Wheels £300 (Fitted with BT014's only travelled 300miles)

Forks £600 (With custom yolks,etc)

Exhausts £500 (Titanium end cans bolt straight on!)

Motor £1500 (FReshly tuned 0miles 1800miles before tune)102mm,Carrillo rod,Gas-flow,New springs,Cam.

ALL brakes and discs £600 (Brembo) (Worth silly money)

Bodywork inc seat,chassis (EX shock) £500 03registration with docs

Brembo hydraulic clutch conversion £150 (New Brembo master cylinder)

Shock with stiffer spring (freshly powdercoated) £100

Ohlins damper and Renthal FATBARS and clamps £250

OR ROLLING CHASSIS just need motor and carbs for £3000

*Note: if only a couple of parts are requested i won't split her down and she will be stored untill i remember she's there! :-D

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Postby Garf » Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:32 am

Cant believe you might have to break her mate. There are some bargains to be had for anyone with a few quid spare ......wrong time of year though coming up to christmas !!

As a matter of interest how much would you expect to pay for suitable carbs ?

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Postby Wonkmeister » Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:48 am

Between 350 and 450 2nd hand or £750-£800 new!

I know what you mean mate but but she's gotta go.... :cry:
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Postby Wonkmeister » Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:19 am

Engine back in and built, original motor rebuilt and tuned....just need to add carbs, pipes and seat-unit...BLAP BLAP!


I'M SO HAPPY!!!!! My baby's back.....woooooyeah! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
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Postby Garf » Sun Dec 16, 2007 2:56 pm

Good news for both our sakes mate !

I reckoned that if I ate grass and drank rainwater for 12 months and sold the kids into child labour whilst also being extremely pleasant to the wife I could have had the funds in place by 2009 !!

Ho hum, I will have to settle with sorting mine out bit by bit ......good job I enjoy tinkering.

All parts to fix my bike are now on order from Grahams so hopefully it will be bolted together pretty much about the time my leg is due out of plaster :D Happy days.

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Postby Wonkmeister » Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:55 pm still mending dude? No gym for you for a the kids have had fun drawing over your leg! :D Take it easy mate, have a great xmas, i hope i will now my bikes almost back together! :-D
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Postby tall guy » Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:08 am

Hi wonky u probably wont remember me but I spoke to u a few months ago about your baghira im the guy from co durham i feel terrible now not getin back to u i meant to come down and look at it but we had a few probs recently that i wont go in to but needless to say i still cant buy it i had the money sorted but i needed it for other things just wanted to say sorry hope u find a good home for it cos it looks great. Im hoping to get something sorted for the summer u told me about a stage one tune for the engine could u tell me a bit more please would i get anywhere near 60 horses and whats the rough cost if u could agian sorry your thinking of breaking it it would b a real shame hope u get sorted soon tall guy.
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Postby Wonkmeister » Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:38 am

Hey buddy, no worries, sent PM!

There is a guy that's supposed to be coming from Spain to see the bike, wasn't going to sell her, but if she's going to be taken to Spain and used in the great mountain roads how can i not let her go? Would be a shame, so if he turns up she's going, if not then whatever really. We'll see, not fussed that much TBH, just need space and hate seeing the bike sat there doing nothing.

As for the motor tune, your looking at around £1200 for top to bottom work, motor stripped, etc. If you buy some Keihin FCR carbs to suit and a decent set of pipes you'll be hitting nearer my bikes Dyno figures of 75bhp and 53flbs of torque at the rear wheel. If you just tune the motor and jet standard carbs you can expect around 60bhp no probs. Just won't pull as hard or rev as strongly without decent pipes and Carbs. That's why my bike makes sense to buy to a few people still pondering over the idea of modding their mz. When you add it all up you'll be hitting nearly £3000 for pipes, carbs, engine tune, etc. For that extra grand or so you get the STMZ with ALL the top quality parts to go with it and a motor with only 1800 miles on it before it was tuned, and it hasn't even been run in yet!
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Postby tall guy » Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:54 am

Cheers mate thanks for the advice, its just ive been on my mates ktm 640 I know there totally diffrent bikes but had great fun sliding around and wheelying tried it on a standard baggy and it needed the clutch to do it instead of of the throttle so i thought 60 bhp would be enough as his was dynod at 51 i dont want to join the ktm ranks as I like been a bit diffrent and I think the baggy looks better and a bit more comfy, theres a guy very near me that makes stainless and ti exhausts when I get sorted with a bike I want all this work done could u also set the bike up with his exhaust aswell. Oh and would you know if I could get a set of better wheels for it ie excel or something, I realise this is alot but once the engine work is done I can start saving for the wheels u c thanks for all the advice if u can help ps would the engine still b as reliable in this state of tune.
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Postby Wonkmeister » Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:08 pm

Reliability with a 102 bore isn't an issue at all. As long as you change oil regularly, let the motor warm up before thrashing and you don't "blip" the throttle then your motor will last 1000's of miles.

You can get replacement rims. You just need to have your hubs built onto lighter rims, such as Excels, etc.

If you have exhausts made we can set the bike up, we've just had a brand new Dynapro Dyno installed and it will be up and running in a couple of weeks. We've had a new outbuilding built especially for the Dyno and are already taking Dyno bookings. We will be able to set-up your bike no problem. You will have to think about changing the rear shock spring to stop the bike bogging down under more power=acceleration, this also helps traction. You will also have to consider brake upgrades and front end conversion, maybe even custom yolks-which we can also have made.The key to setting the MZ up for the road is all in the balance of the shocks, they are set firmer on mine for the road which makes the bike feel more responsive than a standard s-moto. Standard s-motos are genuinely pretty soft and dive at the front on hard breaking, although the STMZ dives, it's a very short controlled compression rate which ramps up to give you an almost instant feel for the front end, the rear is firmer and does the same, you can feel how much throttle is preloading the rear end and what the tyre is doing. A firmer set-up really transforms the MZ Motos, complimented with a hard as nails front brake and a powerful rear caliper gives you the ultimate ride....

Hope this helps...
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Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:26 pm

selling your MZ is like selling your old /2 1960's BMW
you will never BUY BACK IN for what you sold for so don't sell

i have been looking hard at new bikes and when i get better from the wreck i am off to the basement
workshop to work on the r75/2 conversion project....
as i see nothing new i like .....

Royal Enfield India has a new motor on show for 2009 looking real nice as a basic daily driver

i have a pdf file on it if any one wants a look
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
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